Jonathan Logan
With exceptional writing, beautiful art, a compelling environment, and a captivating central gameplay mechanic, Expelled! is a video game work of art. If you have any interest in visual novels, adventure games, whodunits, or time loops, I can’t recommend it enough. Believe me, you will want to play this one again and again!
The Crimson Diamond is a retro-style game done right, pulling everything that worked from the text parser games of the late 80s while making it much more accessible for audiences today.
It features one of the series’ best protagonists, tells a pretty compelling story, and fills in many of the blanks left over from Infinite Wealth. I certainly enjoyed it more than The Man Who Erased His Name. Pirate Yakuza might not be the treasure we were hunting, but with its solid plot and a delightful cast of characters, maybe the real treasure was the friends (and enemies) we made along the way!
This expertly remastered outing for Sam & Max is an adventure game to remember and a spectacular conclusion to their Telltale adventures!
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth provides not just an incredible Yakuza and JRPG experience, but provides a darn near infinite amount of content as well.
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is a throwback to older entries of the series, but without any of the intrigue and spark that makes them memorable.
The sequel to one of the greatest games of all time might also be one of the greatest games of all time.
Like a Dragon: Ishin! is a terrific Yakuza game, and a wonderful jumping-on point for new fans of the series!
Return to Monkey Island returns the series to the highs of the first two games, delivering a hilarious and surprisingly touching story of trying to recapture past glories.
Overboard! is an outstanding time-loop game that challenges you to think like a crafty murderer out of an Agatha Christie novel!
The Castlevania Advance Collection offers fantastic value with three excellent Metroidvania games (and one heck of a challenging side scroller).
Kathy Rain: Director's Cut adds in some interesting additional content, but is fundamentally the same overall experience as its original release.
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life is a fine entry of the Yakuza series, but a poor way to end the story of Kazuma Kiryu.
Dreamscaper has been in early access for about a year, and based on my time with it, I can say that time was well spent by Afterburner. They’ve created a well-balanced and engaging roguelike Action RPG that perfectly pairs with its social simulator mechanics. I continued to play long after I conquered Cassidy’s dreams and enjoyed every run, whether it was all the way to the end of the game or stupidly dying in the first level. This is a super impressive debut for the studio, and I hope that Afterburner is already working on its follow-up title! If Dreamscaper is any indication, we will be in for some sweet dreams ahead!
Not only are the two games in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles remarkable examples of what this series can do, but they deliver a massive amount of content for the price. When played back-to-back, you’re looking at around 70 hours of playtime in total, and that isn’t including all the extra content. I’m delighted that I can now go from desperately wanting Capcom to localize the games to desperately wanting Capcom to announce The Great Ace Attorney 3! These games are full of the same over-the-top craziness and heartbreaking melodrama that makes the series so memorable, and I highly recommend it to both long-time fans and those who are simply looking for a fantastic story. Absolutely no objections here.
With stunning pixel-art graphics, solid combat, and a considerable amount of character customization, you can easily sink a few hours into Foregone, maybe more if you delve into more challenging difficulty levels. However, if you’re looking for a complex Metroidvania full of backtracking and deep lore, I would look elsewhere. Foregone may have left me feeling a bit cold, but if you’re looking for some straightforward side-scrolling action, I suspect it will nicely scratch that itch!
Judgment is a successful spinoff from the Yakuza series that simply demands a follow-up. If Yakuza: Like a Dragon is pulling the main series towards turn-based combat, then Judgment would be an excellent place to continue exploring its real-time brawler roots. If you’re looking for a next-gen title that will deliver much more than just pretty visuals, it’s well worth a purchase on the PS5! If, however, you already own the title on the PS4, your money is likely better spent on other games (You HAVE played Yakuza: Like a Dragon, right?)
One of the best FMV games ever made, Her Story delivers a tale that all adventure game fans should experience!
Between the minigames, side quests, substories, idol simulator, and main story, Yakuza 5 offers a truly stunning value for your money.
With Yakuza 4, we start to see the modern vision of the series take shape, while also serving as an enjoyable entry on its own!