Kyle Hanson

237 games reviewed
76.3 average score
80 median score
60.2% of games recommended
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Batman: The Telltale Series Episode 2 "Children of Arkham" continues perfectly off of the stellar first episode. The action is tight, the dialogue is engaging, and the characters are all fantastically acted and scripted. Fans of Batman and/or Telltale will be very pleased with the direction that this series is going. However, technical problems still create headaches, though they might be lesser for some players depending on the system they play on and the setup they have. Hopefully Telltale can clear those up soon, so that Batman: The Telltale Series can truly live up to its already great potential.

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Sep 12, 2016

ReCore had a ton of potential and sadly squandered a good portion of it. The game still has moments of glory, and pulls inspiration from a lot of great games of the past. It even has a very old school feel to it, with 3D platforming and combat that feels very classic, if unfortunately not delivering top of the line quality. Still, the first few hours are worth trying out, and perhaps the flaws won't be as glaring for all players. The game has a good foundation, and maybe some patches will get it close, but it'd take a complete rework to truly live up to the expectations that were set long ago.

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Aug 29, 2016

Nuka-World is a fine new addition to Fallout 4. However, as the final piece of DLC it is a bit of a let down. It does offer a huge and interesting new area to explore, and the attention to detail in creating Fallout's Disney World is very much appreciated. But there's just not much here that hasn't been done before in the series. The factions can largely be ignored, and many players will find that the role-playing aspect is almost non-existent this time around. But overall Fallout 4 Nuka-World provides a ton of new things to do and check out, which is enough to warrant a purchase from anyone who has exhausted what's available now.

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Aug 26, 2016

Koei Tecmo's Attack on Titan is certainly the game that fans have been waiting for. It delivers so much of what fans love about the show, and really does a great job of putting you right into the action. Of course, that action is extremely chaotic and repetitive, which also means the game can be as well. This is a problem when it leads to fumbling with the controls, or having to frantically work the camera. However, that is a small price to pay for an Attack on Titan experience like this.

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Aug 24, 2016

Obduction is a true successor to Myst and its legacy. The game can be painfully unforgiving at times, and its puzzles might feel both confusing and unintuitive, but there is a logic at its heart. Once you figure it out the feeling of accomplishment and success is unrivaled. Those who've waited years for more games like Myst need look no further.

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Aug 22, 2016

Featuring enough new stuff to bring back longtime fans, Worms W.M.D is another great entry in the 20 year old franchise. The game doesn't reinvent the formula that has worked so well, but it does refine it in a number of important ways. With new weapons, vehicles, and visuals, Worms W.M.D should please anyone looking for an old school turn-based strategy game.

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Metroid Prime: Federation Force's greatest crime was its name. Had the game not tagged itself with the moniker of one of the greatest games of all time, it could have stood on its own merits quite well. If you take all those pre-conceived notions of what a Metroid game should be and set them aside, Metroid Prime: Federation Force will easily surprise you with its quality. It's nowhere near the all time greats, but it can deliver some enjoyable moments, and will definitely entertain for some time. Just make sure you have some friends to tag along though, because the solo experience is quite a different story.

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Jul 15, 2016

You won't find too much that's completely fresh here, but if you like puzzle games and you own a 3DS, there's little reason to skip BoxBoxBoy!

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Jun 28, 2016

Inside is very much a near-perfect follow up to 2010's excellent Limbo. The game has the same dark, malevolent feel, and it expands on its predecessor's puzzle platforming in new and interesting ways. It does have a few of the same faults, such as a short runtime, and the overall experience isn't quite as blissfully satisfying, but Inside is a great game from start to finish.

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Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 6 brings on some YouTube talent that will please their fans, but disappoint everyone else. The central story, which involves a spooky house and a murder mystery, has its moments, but the overall feeling is that this was not the episode that fans waited so long for.

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Fated: The Silent Oath is unique among the current slate of VR games, in that it has an engaging story and a fully realized world. However, the short time spent in this world could be vastly improved in many ways. Those who have a VR headset and want to see how a traditional story-based experience could work should be intrigued, but others might want to skip this adventure.

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May 25, 2016

Kirby: Planet Robobot is a great new addition to the classic series. Aside from the new mech suit it doesn't do a whole lot different from its predecessors, but that shouldn't bother those who just want another great 2D platformer for their 3DS collection.

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May 19, 2016

Fallout 4: Far Harbor is a true expansion to the already excellent action-RPG. This DLC takes what the main game did and improves on it in many ways, while offering a fresh location full of mystery and intrigue for players to explore. If you have run out of things to do in the Commonwealth, or simply want to experience something with more variety and choice for the player, then Far Harbor will surely satisfy.

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May 16, 2016

Shadow of the Beast somehow takes fast and brutal action and makes it feel slow and clunky. The game isn't terrible by any means, and even has some very enjoyable visuals, but there's just too many frustrations to make it feel like a fun, cohesive experience.

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Apr 20, 2016

Star Fox Zero brings the series back in a big way. Taking the franchise back to its roots, while amping up the action to new heights. Unfortunately not everything that was added was perfect though, with the Gamepad controls actually taking away from the experience, rather than adding to it. Once you get past them there is a great game here, but it will take some players quite a while to do that.

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Apr 20, 2016

Star Fox Guard is a simple concept done very well. It's a new takes on the tower defense genre that really adds a whole lot to the experience. And in contrast to its big brother, it uses the Wii U Gamepad very effectively. However, while there is a lot of content thanks to the massive amount of levels and challenges, the core gameplay never strays too far from the base experience.

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Apr 4, 2016

Dark Souls 3 is exactly what fans want, more of the same. There are new elements to be sure, but overall the game is the same great action RPG formula as the previous games. Unfortunately this also means some pieces that should have been updated weren't. On top of this are some performance issues and a lackluster targeting system. Still, longtime fans will overlook these with ease. Newcomers will find a more accepting entry for the franchise, though the massive challenge is still there, and don't expect to understand all of the intricate mechanics that the game never really explains to you.

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Along with the usual technical problems, The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 2 'Give No Shelter' adds on many issues of its own. At just over an hour, the episode is woefully short, but the story isn't even engaging enough to make it worthwhile for that short amount of time. Despite having a fan favorite character, and a very different setting, this game follows the same formula that we've seen from the entire franchise for years. The finale has a lot to accomplish if it wants to redeem this unfortunately disappointing effort.

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With the series having seemingly ended one episode early, Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 5 picks things up extremely well, launching a new adventure while paying homage to the old. Many issues with the series have been touched up and fixed, though some still linger. Ultimately, this episode succeeds in telling its own story, while pushing things forward for what is to come.

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Mar 24, 2016

Fallout 4 is set to have a ton of great DLC, and Automatron is a good, if not perfect start. Building your own robot is fun, and leads to tons of hours of scavenging and collecting. The quest is also much longer than expected, though it does begin to feel stale after a while. Overall, this is a good start to what could become a great suite of DLC.

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