Kyle Hanson

237 games reviewed
76.3 average score
80 median score
60.2% of games recommended
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Mar 20, 2017

Mass Effect: Andromeda fails to deliver a compelling plot and the journey to a whole new galaxy offers little that's new or exciting. Still, it does give you the same quality gameplay the series is known for and you'll enjoy your time with your new crew, even if they're no replacement for the originals.

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Mar 7, 2017

Nintendo Switch's second best launch game, Snipperclips is the perfect game if you're wanting to push your new console's multiplayer features. Fun puzzles combine with a gleefully cute aesthetic to make for a worth addition to any new owner's Switch library.

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The simple fact is that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of the best games ever made. It marks a turning point for the medium that will be learned from for some time. It is a system seller in every sense of the word, and if you don't already have a way to play it, you owe it to yourself to find one.

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Mar 2, 2017

For the price, Super Bomberman R is a tough sell. It does deliver on the promise of a return to the classic multiplayer that we all love. And the Switch is starving for content, as all newly launched systems do. If you really love Bomberman's signature multiplayer, or if you really have to have a new Switch game, then Super Bomberman R will serve its purpose. If you want a full, content-rich experience then you'll want to wait for something else.

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Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns will satisfy fans of the series and genre, delivering the life and farm simulation that they've been addicted to for years. It won't do much for those who haven't jumped on the bandwagon though, offering little new outside the titular towns.

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Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin serves as a fun side adventure, utilizing PlayStation VR to put players right into the world of the series. It does this well, with the usual excellent writing expected of Double Fine. The point-and-click gameplay is fun, and works well in VR, but the puzzles can and will stump you at some points, causing some extreme frustration. A short game, it is nonetheless worth trying out, especially if you were a fan of the original.

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Feb 14, 2017

For Honor offers up one of the most visceral multiplayer experiences in video games. The single player campaign is a nice diversion, but won't satisfy those seeking a full experience. Once you hit multiplayer though, you'll be hooked and finding time for other video games will be the real problem.

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A true return to form for the long running series, Resident Evil 7 reinvents itself while still retaining that classic RE feel. Delivering a real horror experience, the game can definitely scare, but it also just works as a fun and engaging survival experience.

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Jan 10, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is a step up in almost every way from its already enjoyable predecessor. The sense of freedom and adventure is great, thanks to the gravity bending abilities of Kat. Combat is still kind of dull and frustrating, but it's less of the experience this time. The gorgeous art style and design eases this pain though, delivering a great action experience for PS4.

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The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is off to a great start with Episode 1 & 2, "Ties that Bind".

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Batman: The Telltale Series Episode 5 is a fantastic conclusion to this great series. The episode is a perfect amalgamation of everything that has worked so well in the series so far. It is also a massive improvement over its predecessors in a number of ways, and it takes the story began four episodes ago and ends it in a very satisfactory way. This is all on top of fixing most of the technical problems that have plagued the series over these last few episodes, delivering a finale that cements this as one of Telltale's best series to date.

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Dec 5, 2016

The Last Guardian is a marvelous achievement in a number of ways. Its story is subtle, but beautiful. Its world is fascinating and mysterious. And Trico will go down as one of the best characters ever made for a video game. Players are in for a wonderful treat, but that quality comes at a cost. The game struggles to run well at times, and the controls can be a chore. You will also need to be patient, as Trico truly acts as a living animal, not something you can just control like any other video game character. If you can get past these things though, you will find an experience like none other, and one that is truly worth the effort.

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Nov 29, 2016

Pokemon Sun and Moon are a fantastic new addition to the storied franchise. They make improvements in a ton of key areas, shaping the experience so that it is more fun, less frustrating, and just overall more enjoyable. The new mechanics, such as Z-Moves, range from good to great, but the lack of some older features might annoy a few players. There are alternatives though, so this is still a top notch entry, even for longtime fans. New players shouldn't even wonder, they should just go buy this game today.

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Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 4 might take a different narrative path than most players would expect, but overall it works well. While the Children of Arkham story kind of takes a backseat, what is presented here is engaging and fun. It also does a good job of tying up a couple of its many loose ends, and setting up for a climactic finale in the next episode. However, the minor technical issues that have been present since the beginning are massively exacerbated here, to the point that they impact the enjoyment players can have with the game. Perhaps after an update is issued things will get better. Hopefully the final episode is crafted with more care.

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Nov 11, 2016

Mario Party: Star Rush had one good idea, but lost sight of everything else that makes the series great. Ditching turns, and having players roll and move at the same time is interesting and does fix a problem that many have had with the series. But in making this change, and reshaping so much of the game, most of the fun was lost along the way. It’s admirable that Nintendo is aware of the problems the series has had, and is trying to fix them, but there’s just nothing here to keep players interested, unless they’re dying for a new multiplayer experience on the 3DS.

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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is chock full of content. The campaign, multiplayer, and zombies modes all add up to a game that will keep you playing for hours. These individual modes might have their faults, with the campaign being particularly skippable if you just want that base action gameplay. The multiplayer remains true to its roots, even with the big shift in setting. And Zombies is the highlight of the experience in a lot of ways, offering a great co-op experience. All together, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a winner. It just might not be the biggest winner the series has had.

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Oct 27, 2016

With endless replayability, Battlezone offers one of the more robust PSVR experiences available at launch. It is also exceedingly immersive, and its online co-op multiplayer makes for a unique experience in the VR gaming space. It's too bad that a lot of the underlying gameplay design decisions weren't better implemented. The extreme challenge is just one thing, and could be fixed in a future update for that matter. But players simply won't find themselves that drawn back into the game after the first couple of rounds, mostly due to frustration, or an overall sluggish feel.

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Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 3 "New World Order" is a weaker episode, but with a series this strong that isn't saying too much. Technical issues are still a problem, but the storytelling and acting more than make up for it. The episode could have used more punch and less of a cliffhanger ending, but it serves its purpose well in transitioning us from the explosive second episode and toward the apparent endgame of the final two entries.

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Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary Edition World Tour is a fantastic remaster of a true FPS classic. Doing exactly what a good remaster should, this re-release improves in many areas that needed it, while leaving in others; warts and all. The new graphics, sound, commentary, and other features are all cherries on top of what is easily the definitive version of this seminal title.

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Once again Nintendo has delivered an overall enjoyable game that doesn't seem to deliver what fans may have initially expected. Putting aside expectations though, Paper Mario: Color Splash is a decidedly solid adventure-platformer, with some great storytelling and humor layered on top. The papercraft visuals are gorgeous, and the soundtrack will have you humming along in just a few minutes. The card-based battle system is a real downer though and the loss of deeper gameplay elements is still hard felt, dragging the whole experience down quite a bit.

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