Marcus Stewart

88 games reviewed
70.4 average score
78 median score
48.9% of games recommended
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8.5 / 10.0 - Call of the Sea
Dec 26, 2020

Clever puzzles and an engaging narrative make Call of the Sea a voyage worth taking

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8.5 / 10.0 - Olija
Feb 5, 2021

It may be brief, but Olija confidently blends satisfying action and engaging exploration for a treat that shouldn't be overlooked.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Before Your Eyes
Apr 20, 2021

Before Your Eyes is much more than a neat gimmick. It offers a wonderful method of interacting with a touching and impactful story that'll stick with you long after the credits roll

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Jul 2, 2021

Ender Lilies may be standard Metroidvania through and through, but it rises above most of its peers with an engrossing sense of progression and entertaining combat, all presented in a beautiful package

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8.5 / 10.0 - Young Souls
Aug 27, 2021

Kicking butt in Young Souls is a blast and one of the rare co-op brawlers that is as enjoyable to play solo

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Sep 6, 2021

Punching through F.I.S.T. only gets better thanks to its evolving combat. Mapping every inch of the world is an engrossing, good time

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8.5 / 10.0 - Tinykin
Sep 26, 2022

Tinykin feels comforting in an old-school sense. Its challenges never become convoluted, nor does its design reinvent the wheel, and that’s okay. Tinykin executes its handful of ideas exceptionally well, making it a thoroughly enjoyable and laid-back journey that only requires six to eight hours of your time. Don’t let this delightful adventure sneak under your radar.

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8.5 / 10.0 - WWE 2K24
Mar 11, 2024

2K24 sees Visual Concepts layer on quality new bricks to WWE 2K’s strong foundation while sanding away some rough edges. The series has settled into an exceptional, if very familiar, blueprint, and I would love to see a bigger shake-up in the future, but the result offers the best package since the franchise returned in 2022. If you’re a curious fan who’s held off on jumping back into the digital ring, 2K24 is as good an argument as any to shake off the ring rust. For diehard enthusiasts, this year’s entry won’t bowl you over in the broad sense, but its incremental updates and continued polish make it a worthy contender for another year.

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8.3 / 10.0 - Eldest Souls
Aug 5, 2021

Eldest Souls' punishing difficulty may turn off some, but this entertaining and rewarding combat system made me look forward to every titanic face-off

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8.3 / 10.0 - Tekken 8
Jan 23, 2024

As a complete package, Tekken 8 doesn’t reach the heights of recent rivals like Street Fighter 6 and Mortal Kombat 1. But when the match begins, and you’re exploiting openings to unleash flashy combo strings and air juggles, it remains a thrilling, if very familiar, one-on-one experience.

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8.3 / 10.0 - Hauntii
Jun 5, 2024

Though Hauntii offers simplistic shooter pleasure, my favorite moments didn’t involve blowing targets to smithereens. The voice-less story of the ghost gradually regaining precious memories only to be faced with surrendering them to crossover touched me at points. I enjoyed interacting with the kooky, amusing ghosts, like a paranoid scientist concocting hair-brained schemes to capture your angel friend like a Team Rocket villain. I never tired of soaking in the swelling musical score as the camera panned out to reveal a jaw-dropping backdrop. The beautiful ending sequence stands out as a highlight of the year. Hauntii transforms the understandable anxiety and fear surrounding death into an alluring and comforting reflection of the joy of life.

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8 / 10.0 - Carto
Nov 12, 2020

Carto's heartwarming story is backed by its inventive (and challenging) take on puzzles and exploration

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Jan 8, 2021

Enjoyable gameplay, charming writing, and a chill atmosphere promote an important message without beating players over the head with it.

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8 / 10.0 - WWE 2K22
Mar 11, 2022

There’s still work to be done, but like a retired veteran returning to put on a surprisingly solid match, WWE 2K22 manages to shake off the ring rust and perform better than the naysayers expected.

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8 / 10.0 - Dorfromantik
Oct 3, 2022

Dorfromantik balances its strategic and cozy elements well, and it's easy to fall into a serene trance of dropping tiles. Pulling the camera back to reveal the full scope of my landscape always feels like a satisfying reward for my subtle, hard work, much like stepping back to admire a finished painting. While it's not the sort of puzzle game I feel compelled to play more than a session or two a day, I always appreciate the improved mood with which it leaves me.

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Nov 8, 2022

A pleasant and, at times, playful soundtrack, fun visual effects, and the occasional light interference of a mischievous cat add to an overall charming package. A Little to the Left may have left me scratching my head in confusion at times, but more often, it left me pleased and content with the neatly arranged spaces I created.

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8 / 10.0 - WWE 2K23
Mar 17, 2023

WWE 2K23’s more incremental bells and whistles means it’s technically an overall stronger package than 2K22. However, unlike last year, it doesn’t benefit from the rose-colored excitement of getting to play a big wrestling sim again after a years-long absence. The similarities to its predecessor means 2K23 feels more formulaic than special, but it still continues the series’ overall positive trajectory. Like watching a returning legend perform their greatest hits night after night, the novelty has faded, but I’m still pleased to have them back – for now.

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Burning Shores is an entertaining epilogue for Aloy’s sophomore outing. It’s more Forbidden West with a few cool wrinkles, meaning it’s a good reminder of the things that the game did right while retaining a few old headaches (like the hand-holding during puzzles). More than anything, Aloy’s trip to Hollywood justifies its existence by meaningfully building upon the base game’s story, paving a solid runway for the next title to take off.

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8 / 10.0 - Dordogne
Jun 16, 2023

As someone who derives real pleasure in admiring beautiful paintings, Dordogne ups the ante by letting me creatively interact with its gorgeous art. Even better, it layers a largely enjoyable tale on top of it. Like Mimi and Nora’s relationship, there are some bumps to overcome, but good times await those willing to work through them.

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8 / 10.0 - Exoprimal
Jul 28, 2023

Capcom is trying to have its cake and eat it, too, with Exoprimal by using its story to lure more general fans while hoping the loop keeps hardcore multiplayer fans for the long haul. I’m not sure that will work; I have little motivation to return now that I’ve seen credits. But I had a fun time while it lasted. Exoprimal’s creative subversion of expectations impressed me in more ways than one, and its approach to telling a robust narrative within a multiplayer framework is an example I hope other titles study. I just hope it’s enough to keep the game from going extinct.

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