Charles Hartford

89 games reviewed
77.0 average score
80 median score
62.9% of games recommended
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8 / 10.0 - Pokemon UNITE
Jul 23, 2021

Pokemon Unite is a fun, streamlined entry in the MOBA genre. It has something to offer both long-time franchise fans, as well as MOBA players who may be looking for something fun and rewarding, while not demanding their all to keep up with. And since it’s free, if what you have read sounds at all enticing why not give it a try. You don’t even need the Nintendo Switch Online service to play!

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7 / 10.0 - Black Skylands
Jul 8, 2021

While Black Skylands delivers an appealing aesthetic and some solid core gameplay, it quickly mires itself down in long, repetitive trips to gather resources and largely unchanging gameplay. While its slow, unchanging gameplay didn’t hold my attention very well, I can see how someone could find a relaxing challenge that they can just take their time with here.

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9 / 10.0 - Scarlet Nexus
Jun 27, 2021

Scarlet Nexus delivers a game that hits every gameplay beat flawlessly, providing the player with stylish visuals to enjoy, all mounted on characters and a narrative that only sometimes lands. However, the narrative struggles shouldn’t be nearly enough to keep anyone who loves fast-paced action games from reveling in just how fun, cool, and bombastic Scarlet Nexus’s gameplay is.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Dark Deity
Jun 21, 2021

Dark Deity delivers virtually everything I could ask for from an entry into one of my favorite genres. Fun, intricate battles, meaningful character progression, and a cast of characters I quickly became invested in. If these features sound appealing to you, I cannot recommend this game enough.

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Jun 21, 2021

With its frustrating controls, and questionable AI the enjoyment that can be gained from Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance is severely limited. If a player is looking to romp through a strongly realized D&D world, and a classic story of heroes scrambling to stop the legions of evil, it may be worth keeping the game on easy just to enjoy the setting and story. However, if you are looking for a full-fledged action RPG experience there are far better offering out there.

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Jun 14, 2021

When all is said and done, I enjoyed this new adventure in the frozen land of Colorado. The challenging combat, choice-driven narrative, and fun humor are hitting on all cylinders in Wasteland 3: The Battle of Steeltown. If you enjoyed the gameplay of the original release, I can easily recommend checking this out.

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8.5 / 10.0 - BIOMUTANT
May 24, 2021

So while I can’t give Biomutant the across-the-board praise I had so hoped to when I started, it nonetheless delivers great gameplay, deep customization in numerous ways, and gorgeous visuals that will leave you awestruck for many hours as you explore the wide-open world it contains. Combined with its determination to not unduly punish players by keeping systems intuitive and making crafting choices easily reversible, Biomutant keeps its fun gameplay and beautiful environments open to many gamers who otherwise might struggle with the game’s many systems and combat.

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Mar 19, 2021

The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos is a marvelous farewell to the memorable cast and locales that this game has delivered to players. If you have enjoyed the quirky adventures of the Unreliable’s “heroic” crew, you owe it to yourself to experience this last hurrah in Halcyon.

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7 / 10.0 - John Wick Hex
Dec 9, 2020

When all is said and done, John Wick Hex delivers an interesting experience that provides a unique, and brutally difficult time. If you are looking for that brutal difficulty to bang your head against, this game might be for you. For anyone else, however, I think this one will be a hard pass.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Haven
Dec 7, 2020

When all is said and done, what sells Haven is its characters. If a deep rich character-driven narrative that centers around two exceptionally realized characters is something you believe is worth a few gameplay hiccups to experience then this game is worth every second of your time. It’s characters deliver in every way I could ask for. Crafting a tale that was the most emotionally impactful gaming experience I’ve had since I played Sea of Solitude last year. And to put a little perspective here, that was my game of the year last year. And while its gameplay shortcomings keep it from quite reaching that level of gaming perfection, its story is as close to perfect as I could ask for.

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Nov 15, 2020

When all is said and done Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War delivers an exciting, and intriguing spy story with its campaign. While it only clocks in at about six hours, those six hours rarely failed to entertain me. As a single piece of a bundle, it is top notch. However, if the rest of the game’s offerings hold no interest for you, I don’t know if it’ll be enough to justify the full purchase price.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Gears Tactics
Nov 14, 2020

When all is said and done, I have loved my time with Gears Tactics. It melds the action, world, and personality of the core Gears series with a new style of play I thoroughly enjoy. Its challenging yet flexible battles frequently gave me the feeling of true accomplishment when I succeeded in getting my squad through another fight.

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Oct 12, 2020

When all is said and done, Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! delivers a great addition to the series it continues. While it’s more structured approach may not be what some want, I felt that it is on the whole, a solid improvement. I’ll be listening to Whisk and Cleaver’s banter for many meals to come.

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Oct 5, 2020

When all is said and done, Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time delivers an exceptional platforming experience with only a few wrinkles. It provides a fun and challenging campaign, and some extras afterward for good measure. The genre has come along way since gamers were first introduced to the bandicoot. Hopefully, we’ll see more from him and Toys for Bob in the future.

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Sep 11, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Peril on Gorgon. It delivered more of what I love about The Outer Worlds. If you enjoy the sort of misadventure the core game is famous for you should enjoy this expansion. However, if you weren’t sold the first time around, nothing about Gorgon is going to get you onboard now.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Marvel's Avengers
Sep 4, 2020

Marvel’s Avengers is a fun, heartfelt action RPG that is filled with promise. A few technical hiccups and bland enemies aside, this game delivers the wonderful moments and great gameplay these characters have always deserved from a video game title.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Wasteland 3
Sep 3, 2020

So, when all is said and done, Wasteland 3 provides a character-filled, tactically challenging gameplay experience, providing you have the patience to get to it. Even with that said though, I certainly have enjoyed my time with the game, and I have every intention to keep on playing it.

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May 30, 2020

Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted succeeds in creating a world that fits the theme it is shooting for, it just unfortunately fails to do much with it. Mired by poor controls, and frustrating mechanics, the only way I can see anyone getting enjoyment out of this would be possibly as a quick party experience with a few friends.

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May 9, 2020

The game is fun, interesting and puts enough twists on the tried and true CCG formula to stand out from the crowd. It’s filled with fun personalities and supported by a microtransaction system that doesn’t feel like it’s out to fleece you.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Fury Unleashed
May 7, 2020

With only a couple small issues Fury Unleashed proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable gaming experience.

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