Andrew Thornton

256 games reviewed
73.8 average score
80 median score
57.4% of games recommended
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4 / 5.0 - Scarlet Nexus
Jun 28, 2021

Scarlet Nexus does so much right that it’s a shame some of these troubles hold it back. They feel like the sort of things tied up in creating something new, problems that exist due to a lack of budget or different groups working on the game not being entirely on the same page until later in development. Still, despite these flaws, Scarlet Nexus brings an impressive new world to life while featuring deeply engaging combat. That’s no small thing. Fans of the genre will find a game well worth their time. I only hope that in a few years, we’ll be playing an even stronger sequel which irons out these nagging issues.

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If you have friends to play with regularly, I think this Tokyo 2020 is a great option for you, despite inconsistent event quality. There are enough good ones to have a great time, and you can make your own playlists to avoid the bad. For others, though, this is a more difficult recommendation. The single-player modes can be plenty fun, but there’s a lot of sitting around to get to those bursts of enjoyment, and its simplistic nature likely won’t hold your attention for long. I wish I could be confident the online modes will provide a way to keep the fun going, but early signs aren’t favorable. This is the sort of game I once called a great rental. Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 may not win the gold, but at the right price, it could squeak out a bronze.

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Jun 17, 2021

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart doesn’t try to teach an old Lombax too many new tricks. The core of the series still works and is a ton of fun to play. The PS5 provides just enough to make it feel fresh while new friends provide new possibilities. I’m glad to say that the team at Insomniac has this iconic duo back on track. There’s no better game to show off the power of the PS5.

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Jun 16, 2021

Chicory: A Colorful Tale spoke to me deeply. I think most people who have pursued any creative outlet will find something to latch onto in its story. If that were the only strength here, you’d have a game worth your time. When you combine that with a beautiful art style, fantastic music, entertaining exploration, thought-provoking puzzles, and unique boss battles, you have a masterpiece. Coming out during the lead-up to E3, the same week that several other heavy hitters release, it would be easy for Chicory to get lost in the shuffle. Don’t let them happen. Few games releasing in 2021 will be more worthy of your time.

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Jun 9, 2021

While not the definitive way to play Umurangi Generation, this is still a stunning game. With a unique vision of the future, informed in part by current times, it has a strong message, delivered with fascinating gameplay and unique style. If you have the option to play on PC, I would recommend doing so. If not, however, Umurangi Generation is well worth your time on any platform. This is a deeply felt game tailor-made for our times.

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4 / 5.0 - Knockout City
Jun 8, 2021

With style to spare and refined gameplay, Knockout City knows exactly what game it is. That happens to be an excellent, highly addictive, online slugfest. It’s excellent to pick up and play for a short burst, and its strategy can hold your attention for longer sessions. My biggest hesitation with it is how unsure EA seems about what they want it to be. Will they continue expanding its free play period to make it fully free to play? Will they continue adding new modes, maps, and other options to keep the gameplay fresh? It’s hard to say. I can, however, say that with hours of play available even under the current free model, this is a city worth visiting.

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Jun 7, 2021

If you’re new to the Guilty Gear series, there isn’t a better place to start than -Strive-. If you’re a returning veteran, enough has changed to keep things feeling fresh, but I have a feeling you’ll be up to speed in no time. While definitely complex and at times a bit intimidating, it does a fantastic job of initiating players. Guilty Gear -Strive- never holds back. If you remotely enjoy fighting games, this is a stunner you shouldn’t miss.

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If you have PlayStation Plus, there’s no reason not to check out Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown. Even if it fails to hook you, free is a good price. If you don’t have Plus, there’s very little reason to get it, however. This is especially true since Plus is required to play online, and there’s almost nothing to do if you aren’t playing online. While it is a shame that so much content from past games isn’t here, this is still one of the best playing fighting games ever made. That’s no small accomplishment. For those who don’t love facing live opponents over and over, though, this may be more of a curiosity than a new passion. Still, I’m just glad to see Virtua Fighter back in the fight. Hopefully, the next time the series makes a return, it will be with a new title.

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May 31, 2021

I enjoyed my time with Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir. It tells an interesting story that puts surprising twists on some expected tropes. While there were elements of the UI that showed their age, once I got used to them and played the game on its terms, I was able to work through it without much issue. With the story taking its time to get interesting, though and being fairly short at that, it is hard to call this a must-play. Still, for fans who have been interested for many years, finally getting to play this in English is a treat.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Returnal
May 27, 2021

I just wish they had taken a bit more time to think about how all the elements fit together. The actual design of Returnal is problematic. While I was willing to push through that most of the time, I wish I didn’t have to. This game is going to be a home run for many players. The core gameplay is stunning, and if you can sit back and enjoy the ride, you may love it. Just prepare yourself for what you’re getting into. The quality of Returnal makes me enormously excited for what Housemarque can do with higher budgets and modern games. I just hope they learn some lessons here to make their next title even better. Arcade is dead. Long live arcade.

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May 24, 2021

Kaze and the Wild Masks is definitely derivative and could have used a bit more originality to stand out. Still, I can’t imagine players who love the Donkey Kong Country series not taking to it. With excellent controls, tons of character, and a great look, it’s just a great play from start to finish. It’s almost like this is the fourth Super Nintendo Donkey Kong game we never got, only with a modern coat of paint and just enough updates to feel like it belongs in 2021. If that sounds like it’s down your burrow, then Kaze has an adventure for you.

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This isn’t to say that I don’t recommend Cultist Simulator. I find its depth and focus on exploration and letting players find their own way fascinating and the many stories contained within demanded my attention. I’m glad I finally had a chance to check it out in any form and if that sounds up your alley, there’s a game in here worthy of your time. I have a much harder time recommending that you play it on the Switch, though, and would only recommend checking out Switch version if you don’t have any other way to play it. You simply have to put up with far too much to get to all the good contained within.

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There are interesting concepts at play here and I definitely understand why the team behind Interrogation were inspired to create it. It looks great with a black and white, noir-like visual style which really lands. From gameplay to messaging, though, Interrogation fails on almost every other level. Some of the more insane scenes that show up are something to behold but not for any sort of good reason. Don't be deceived into thinking Interrogation is worth your time.

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I don't want to seem too down on Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy - Deluxe Edition. LEVEL-5 included all of the original version's DLC while adding a ton of additional content and there's a lot of game here for your money. For the most part, you'll spend your time solving pleasant puzzles, enjoying a pleasant story, and having a pleasant time.

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Nov 14, 2019

There are plenty of titles that share some common DNA with Manifold Garden but when it really gets into the zone, there's nothing else on the market like it. It brought out feelings in me I've never felt from a video game. I demanded others I know experience it in a way I haven't since the first time I tried VR. At its best, I forgot I was playing a video game, surrendering completely to the audio and visual experience while taking on challenging but not overwhelming puzzles.

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As fun as Columns II can be, the poor difficulty curve and lack of online opponents don’t make it the easiest game to recommend. Before long you’re left with a still rather simple puzzle game on a system which has an overwhelming number of strong options in the genre. The first and third Columns titles are even available as part of the Sega Genesis Classics collection on the Switch.

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