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Fernando Sánchez


338 games reviewed
78.8 average score
80 median score
20.7% of games recommended
75 / 100 - Shadowgate
May 9, 2019

In Shadowgate we go back to the living castle and we do it in the best possible way, a quite worked remake with new puzzles, a very well drawn artistic section, and an orchestrated soundtrack. As a good classic, it retains a fairly high difficulty, although attempts have been made to smooth out the new generations with more difficulty modes and modernized mechanics. Despite everything, the type of game, its puzzles, its trial and error mechanics, and its difficulty, may make the game not suitable for all audiences, although fans of the classic will be satisfied.

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85 / 100 - Bad North
May 2, 2019

Bad North is an RTS that will surprise us by how simple and addictive it is, ideal for fast games, but that involves a difficulty with its roguelike elements and its permanent death. If you like RTS, it is mandatory to try it, and if you want to approach the genre in a simple and simple but effective way, Bad North will also give you the opportunity.

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65 / 100 - Valley
Apr 24, 2019

Valley is a walking simulator of between three or four hours long with many adventurous overtones. An interesting argument, and powerful mechanics, are its premise, which unfortunately we will soon see diluted due to some design decisions, some forgettable passages of combat, and no difficulties of the puzzles that are presented to us. Anyway, the mechanics granted by the L.E.A.F. suit are interesting enough to test if the game is within range. Fortunately, the game performs very well in audiovisual terms, making our stay in Valley more bearable.

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70 / 100 - Hard West
Apr 16, 2019

Hard West shows us how well XCOM would do in the Wild West, but it also knows how to stamp a stamp of its own with some mechanics such as luck and special abilities, and a powerful plot weight with decisions of negligible effects. All seasoned with gore, death, arcane rites, devil worship, and other paraphernalia that we did not expect to see in this setting but that in the end it looks good. It can fall into repeatability due to an AI with a lot of resources, and the management parts end up getting in the way, but it is still a highly recommended game if you like strategy and English is not a problem.

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Apr 9, 2019

Trine 2 in its most complete edition, and despite the time the game already has, has not lost its freshness at all, maintains the firm base of its first installment, levels it in its characters, and power in its possibilities, in addition to unite all available content in a total of 20 levels full of challenge, puzzles, jumps and action. A fairy tale that will amaze us with its settings, its landscapes, and its art of unusual beauty that is already the undisputed hallmark of the franchise. Also let's not forget the more than interesting multiplayer three, online or local, which will make the game more fun if possible. Highly recommended.

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Legrand Legacy is a JRPG developed outside of Japan but with full respect for the genre, with many elements that will be familiar to those of us who live the 32-bit generation, and that despite having a plot riddled with cliches, will know how to maintain interest with several script twists and a pretty solid character build. That and a classic playable system but with certain characteristics that refresh it, and several extras to take into account. Too bad it only came to us in English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese, but if language isn't an issue and we like the genre, the game deserves a good shot.

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Apr 1, 2019

Slain: Back from Hell is definitely recommended if you like the classic proposals for action and 2D platforms with a fairly high difficulty throughout 6 levels that may be a simple development, but in return, it delights us with an audiovisual section of scandal , a pixel art well done, a gothic art, dark and bloody, and a soundtrack that fits like a finger. Recommended if the setting calls you and the challenges go.

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Turok returns to a Nintendo console 22 years after its original release and does so with a remastering with minimal technical changes and no changes in the control, beyond a new gyro control mode that complements and assists traditional control. The game had quality in its day and maintains it, its arcade and frantic gameplay you can see the seams, although this is not an impediment to enjoy it because the game is very fun. Perhaps it is not for everyone and the most modern generations find it too classic and unfriendly, but whoever enjoyed it in its day has no excuse to meet again. The Indian returns home.

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50 / 100 - Fight of Gods
Mar 4, 2019

The idea of ​​this Fight of Gods, despite being controversial, is at least curious, and why not say it, also interesting. But the execution is not up to scratch, the game is rough and not very dynamic, its input is a bit chaotic, its difficulty is unfair, and its content is scarce, both for fighters and game modes, especially these. The premise is simple, but it is lost in execution, a real shame. And finally the technical section does not accompany, we are not going to ask for miracles, but a little more graphic care would have been appreciated.

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Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight is the fourth installment in the unknown Momodora saga. And to be honest, despite its modest production values, it wastes quality, good design, and good work. With an interesting artistic section, a narrative that progresses as we explore the world around us, a sound section with some almost bucolic themes, and the highlight, a challenging, fun and at times demanding combat, thanks to the fluidity of the animations already how satisfactory your control is. The duration and certain peaks of difficulty are its handicaps, but it is still a highly recommended game.

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Feb 7, 2019

Odallus: The Dark Call is an action and exploration platform that we cannot miss. A classic but dynamic gameplay, variety of environments and different routes of advancement will invite us to accompany Haggis in his revenge and in the rescue of his son from the hands of this cult of evil. And the price is not to think about it, highly recommended.

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Cursed Castilla EX is an arcade like before, worthy to rub shoulders with the greats of the sword and witchcraft action platformer genre, who populated arcade rooms in the late 80s. Drink from the greats and do it well, very well , respects fidelity but takes the result several steps further by adding mechanics that perhaps had not been thought of before. It may not be a game for all audiences due to its marked arcade character and its duration based on the mastering of the game, but every gray-haired gamer will know how to see the magic of this game, and above all with a native mythology.

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70 / 100 - Omensight
Jan 21, 2019

Omensight is a hack'n' slash with RPG touches and a very interesting plot, and an ingenious execution, which in spite of this suffers from a technical section without optimization. Discover with the mystical warrior Harbinger who is behind the apocalypse, and repeat the last day of this earth to find the culprit. Live that last day with one of the four secondary characters as many times as necessary to discover the necessary clues.

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Jan 11, 2019

Fear Effect Sedna is a good way to go back for the Fear Effect franchise that already had several failed third-party attempts. It is not a third party as such, and may be considered a spin-off or distant follow-up, but at least it has put the adventures of the controversial Hana and Rain back in the limelight. The formula chosen for this comeback works, but the AI ​​and certain excessively basic playable mechanics are a consequence of it being a minor project, almost an indie. Let's hope that the remake of the first installment is more ambitious.

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85 / 100 - The First Tree
Jan 3, 2019

The First Tree is a narrative experience with an atypical but working crossroads of stories, and an audiovisual section that, within its humility, stands out, especially the soundtrack. If you like the genre and other works with similar characteristics such as Journey or Firewatch, you are in front of a recommended game. A little more than two hours, a little more if we go for all the collectibles, which will immerse us in beautiful surroundings and a beautiful story between a father and a son, without forgetting the fox we will use.

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Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax is a great shoot 'em up. It combines a classic 2D horizontal development with certain elements from other genres such as rpg or brawler. Recommended for single player or up to four in local cooperative, where the game really shines, and for any type of audience, from novices to experts, thanks to its practically total configuration of playable parameters. A good way to get into this very niche genre.

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This War of Mine uses the classic formula of a social simulator but applied to a rather tricky topic: war. 11 bit studios has made it work, and very well, because the gameplay is solid, and at the same time the message of the game is clear. Before what we will believe we will be affected by a difficult decision that we really did not want to make, or we will see how that character that we liked the most about the others leaves us (in one way or another) for not having known how to take care of it. War is horrible and this game is going to show you.

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80 / 100 - Everspace
Dec 11, 2018

Everspace is a great space adventure with roguelike elements that will make us play over and over again to be better prepared and go further in each game. Four ships with improvements with a high level of customization, and a beautiful space as few we have seen will invite us to advance, explore, trade, fight and die, especially the latter, as it will be the only way to advance our odyssey. It might technically be great for Switch, but still its fun, if it catches you, is intact.

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90 / 100 - Super Hydorah
Dec 5, 2018

Super Hydorah has all the ingredients to become an instant classic, taking the best of the best in the genre, and masterfully combining it. It could be better with a more balanced difficulty, but we are not going to complain about a result that the geniuses of Locomalito and Gryzor87 have brilliantly solved. If you like shoot'em up, Super Hydorah cannot be missing from your collection.

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Nov 27, 2018

R-Type Dimensions EX although it is not a completely new product, it has received some small innovations that have only improved the compilation that we have already enjoyed the last generation. We will be able to enjoy the two classic arcades with a spectacular audiovisual facelift, or switch with just one button to the late 80s arcade we all know. The two player mode is a success, and the slow motion mechanics will lend us a hand, although the infinite mode will be a negative counterpoint, since it will give us the game canceling its difficulty and challenge. If you like R-Type, this compilation of the first two installments is essential.

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