Daniel Waite

alertcat weasel

231 games reviewed
71.9 average score
70 median score
76.6% of games recommended

Daniel Waite's Reviews

My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for www.bonusstage.co.uk, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email: [email protected]
6.5 / 10.0 - Kill it With Fire
Feb 27, 2021

If you jump onto this thinking that you’ll get a massively deep experience with lots of lore, and a rich story presented on a glorious tapestry, you will be sorely disappointed. It’s a casual, silly and fun first-person fighting game that doesn’t take itself too seriously. You have the freedom to explore, destroy and kill anything in sight, so make the most of it. Do I recommend it? Yes, if you want to have a light-hearted game in your library, then buy it here! Spiders are running wild, grab your weapon of choice, find where they are hiding, and take their lives.

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6 / 10.0 - Ponpu
Feb 24, 2021

Quick, fun and non-toxic online games are scarce, so I applaud the developers for their success here. It was such a joy to play, and I could have lost myself for hours in its different modes. The overall package is good, but it’s not Bomberman! Its single-player campaign lets it down, but if you want to play online, then I recommend it. If you want to take on the Duck God, buy a copy here! It’s time to pick your Ponpu and save the world you were instructed to destroy.

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Feb 23, 2021

The message that the downfall of mankind is its own greed wasn’t lost on me. However, I was so engrossed by the gameplay that I allowed this curse to infect me. It’s a glorious game that successfully blends a multitude of genres, and a game I strongly recommend. Buy your copy here, you won’t regret it! Choose your approach, select your weapons, and hope that the gods and luck are on your side.

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Feb 21, 2021

Remastered titles are big business at the moment, yet they aren’t all worth the effort. The Raven: Remastered is different. A nicely updated look, and quicker loading times make this more accessible than the original. With a fantastic story, excellent acting, great audio, and in keeping imagery, this is a game worth losing yourself in. I recommend you give this a go, and a copy can be purchased here! Can Zellner and Legrand work together to solve the mystery? Buy a copy and become a famous detective.

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Feb 20, 2021

I enjoy most of the games that I review, but occasionally one takes me by surprise. This brilliant indie title’s success is down to a combination of factors. A wonderful story that reimagines long-forgotten titles, the detailed approach of the touching audio and the pace and lore of the core tale. I know this won’t be for everyone, but I recommend you take a gamble and buy it here! The world of New Theland has become corrupted and a microscopic plague is taking over. Can Nova save humanity and restore order before its too late?

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6 / 10.0 - GraviFire
Feb 20, 2021

It was fun, but I wanted more! It draws you in with its simple approach, but this plateaus quickly. Luckily, it does enough to keep you interested throughout the 50 stages. Do I recommend it? I do, as it can be enjoyed casually. So buy a copy here! Can you master gravity and shift the boxes? Keep an eye out for lasers and finish each of the 50 levels.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Void Gore
Feb 18, 2021

How does Void Gore sit amongst its peer group? Very well, mostly. It’s fun, quick, and requires a small amount of tactical thinking. The endless fast-paced gameplay will push you to your limits, yet it’s a shame it didn’t develop further. I would have liked to see big bosses, as this would have given me something to focus my time on. Do I recommend you play this? I do! It’s a solid title with few negatives. If you fancy trying it, a copy can be purchased here! Can you raid hell for its gold? Will you be able to improve your crate in the sky, by upgrading it to a full battle vessel? We shall see, but in the meantime; earn some gold, destroy demons, and stay alive.

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6 / 10.0 - Skully
Feb 17, 2021

On the whole, it does a very good job. Most of the cogs are moving in the right direction, and you will have fun throughout. But the weak points cannot be ignored. The main one has to be the collectables. A disappointing and pointless task that adds no purpose other than to keep you playing for a few more hours. I wish the developers had integrated this portion more intelligently. So, do I recommend it? Yes, it’s positives outweigh its negatives, and it does a good job on the whole. Can you help Terry see eye to eye with his siblings, or is this magical paradise destined to be war-torn for Eternity?

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6 / 10.0 - Dungeons & Bombs
Feb 16, 2021

A tough puzzle game awaits anyone brave enough to take on this title with a very odd storyline. Plan your approach to each stage, blow up boxes, kill monsters and save the Princess. Do I recommend it? Even with its issues, yes. A copy can be purchased here! Enjoy it for what it is and don’t cheat your way to victory!

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Feb 15, 2021

Brain Seal Limited has done a great job of recreating the brutal environment and high energy that came with all the killing in the arena. An in-depth skill tree and equipment selection enables you to choose the game style that suits your approach. Do I recommend this? Yes, so buy it here! Fun, fast-paced, bloody action awaits anyone who wishes to become a champion. Start from nothing, wow the crowds and become the next big thing.

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7 / 10.0 - The Wild Eight
Feb 15, 2021

When I first saw this advertised, I was sure that it would be “just” another survival game, but yet it surprised me. With its generous difficulty curve, glorious aesthetics and ample replay value, it will test newbies and veterans of the genre. I enjoyed how the developers dipped their toes into the world of surreal and fantasy alongside their realistic survival mechanics. I won’t spoil it for you, but you will find some joyous and brutal surprises during your time in Alaska. Do I recommend it? Absolutely! It’s a cracking example of a survival game and can be purchased here! Do you have what it takes to venture into the snowy tundra and come out stronger on the other side? Plenty of ice, wolves, and mysteries lie ahead for those who take on The Wild Eight.

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7 / 10.0 - UltraGoodness 2
Feb 13, 2021

Having your Kingdom overrun is not fun for anyone! Luckily, a well armed king and his cat sidekick can take down anything that crosses their path. A well designed twin-stick shooter that has perfectly balanced difficulty with progression. You must unlock weapons for your cat and choose the correct one for each level so that you can be victorious. Do I recommend it? Yes, I do! You can buy your copy here! Grab your cat and gun, get mad and get revenge. Stop the Evil from taking over your realm, after all you are the King!

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6 / 10.0 - Tears of Avia
Feb 13, 2021

This was one of those games that left me confused with how I felt about it. I loved so many of its key ideas that I wanted to keep playing, but I was constantly battling its negatives. It’s not the best title in this category, but it’s also not the worst by a long way. At only £16.99 you get a lot of value for money, as long as you can forgive its mistakes. If you want a copy, it can be purchased here! Do I recommend it, I actually do! The positives just about outweigh its downsides, and most of them are cosmetic, so they can be ignored. If you play this, you must save the world of Estera from a power hungry demon. Can you gather your team and collect all the “Tears” before Vylenkine does?

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6.5 / 10.0 - Dread Nautical
Feb 13, 2021

Dread Nautical is an interesting title that is unique in its core concept. It doesn’t ham up its sense of foreboding, nor does it hammer you with difficulty in the lowest setting. Its user friendly approach wants you to enjoy everything it has to offer before you move on. Team and resource management are 2 key elements that keep you playing. Who do you save, and who fends for themselves? You have limited food, who eats, and who starves? It’s tough, but as the group leader you must decide! Do I recommend it? Absolutely! A copy can be purchased here! Search, gather, help, fight, and sound that horn. This is your life until you solve the mystery surrounding your presence on the good ship “The Hope”.

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Feb 11, 2021

I enjoyed my time venturing through the different areas, and solving the many puzzles, but I didn’t like the slow gameplay. The constant swapping of characters and walking the same path was too tedious for me. This already has a large fan base, and I can only see it getting stronger because of its unique mechanics. Unfortunately, I won’t be jumping on that bandwagon. Do I recommend it? If you like slow puzzle games with an adventure twist, then yes. If you’re tempted, buy a copy here! Can your team of 4 strangers work together to unearth the treasure in the west? They must, otherwise failure is guaranteed and fate is wrong.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Goblin Sword
Feb 10, 2021

HugePixel clearly has an affinity with all things old-school. Their love for the retro titles shines through in this modern game, and I loved it. Every element filled me with nostalgia, and they got the balance of difficulty just right. Though it’s only a short game, it won’t take up much room in your library and can be played casually. Do I recommend it? Absolutely! And you can buy a copy here! Can you help the hero solve the puzzles and defeat everything in his path? Find that wizard and get your one true love back.

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6 / 10.0 - Antigraviator
Feb 10, 2021

Antigraviator is an ok title, but it’s no where near the greatness of Wipeout. A lack of originality and no online community has killed this before it got going. The custom options for your ride are fantastic, as is the smoothness of the graphics. But I couldn’t get over the deja vu feeling that appeared during every race. Do I recommend it? If you love racing games, yes, but if not give this one a miss. If you fancy buying your own copy, you can do so here! Can you pilot your vessel and win all the fast-paced races? Avoid traps, dodge your opposition, and boost your way to victory.

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7 / 10.0 - UnderMine
Feb 9, 2021

If all rogue-like titles were like UnderMine, I would be an avid fan. Yes, it still has all the annoyances associated with the genre, but these are forgotten because of the light-hearted gameplay. The RPG elements with the upgradable equipment, the variety of enemies, and the curses and blessings make each playthrough different. Lovers of this genre, will either already have this, or have considered trying it. If you normally give these a miss, I recommend giving this a go. If you don’t have Gamepass, you can buy a copy here! Can you solve the mystery behind the earthquakes beneath the city? Grab your pick and venture into the deep. If you die, don’t worry as there are peasants lining up to take your place.

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Feb 7, 2021

With such a touching story, it would be hard not to get emotionally involved. A brilliantly balanced puzzle game that plays second fiddle to a mournful plot that takes you on a journey of discovery. Do I recommend it? Absolutely, I loved it, and you can buy a copy here! Can you help Eda let go of her past? Live through her memories and help her look to the future.

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Feb 6, 2021

It’s fair to say that the market has moved on a lot in 2 years. No matter what we are presented with, there is always room for a bit of nostalgia. The Forbidden Arts is a classic platform title with an exploration twist. The many routes that you can take, and the addition of new gameplay mechanics, makes this a title that will keep you thinking. Though very easy in some aspects, it will test your accuracy, timing and patience. It’s for these reasons that I recommend you play it. If you want a go on this unusual platform title, then buy it here! Can you help Phoenix rise from the flames and fulfil his destiny?

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