Ryan Lutes
4 games reviewed
58.8 average score
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Nov 25, 2015
At it's core, it's technically sound, but the handful of interesting mechanics are lost in a sea of terrible ones, and does an injustice to the titular vampire-hunting doctor.
Nov 11, 2015
Pathologic Classic HD is certainly an improvement on what was already an instant classic, but players shouldn't expect a hugely different experience from the 2005 version…
Oct 21, 2015
Despite its flaws, Eternal Step isn't a terrible little indie game if you're a fan of the roguelike genre. It has enough gameplay depth to keep things fresh, at least for a while. I recommend checking it out for yourself, and look forward to seeing what future updates bring.
Oct 16, 2015
It's dull, repetitive, and just doesn't offer the replayability of other rogue-likes.