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Kyle Foley

Orlando, FL

86 games reviewed
80.8 average score
85 median score
73.3% of games recommended

Kyle Foley's Reviews

Kyle is a freelance writer from Orlando, FL currently serving as an Assitant Editor at ButWhyTho?
9.5 / 10.0 - No Longer Home
Aug 1, 2021

No Longer Home is an authentic and often unsettling story about the process of moving out and moving on. Of course, every player will take something different away from their experience playing, but it is an experience that I highly recommend. With beautiful designs, excellent characters, and a great soundtrack, No Longer Home is well worth picking up.

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Jul 26, 2021

I understand visual novels aren’t for everyone, but it’s hard to find a reason not to suggest The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles to even the most ardent visual novel skeptics. With an excellent story, fun characters, and an amazing soundtrack, it really is an excellent game well worth the time spent playing. It does feel a bit derivative of other games in the series, and whether that is good or not depends on how much one enjoys the other games. Still, if you have not had a chance to enjoy the world of Ace Attorney before, I highly recommend picking up The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for the Nintendo Switch and giving this legal gem a try.

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Jul 20, 2021

Overall, the Skyward Sword HD remaster is an excellent game worth playing despite some of it’s flaws. There are some quality of life improvements throughout that may not stick out as obviously as you would expect, but they really help the game play a bit more like a modern game despite the janky controls. It may not be as beloved as Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time, but Skyward Sword is absolutely a game worth your time.

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Jun 28, 2021

The biggest selling point for Destroy All Humans! on the Nintendo Switch is the ability to play the game on the go, and it is perfectly playable that way. In fact, I actually enjoyed playing it handheld more than I did docked. There wasn’t a very noticeable difference between the two outside of screen resolution. If you have not purchased the game on another system or the idea of playing it on the go is the most important thing to you, then I would say the game is worth checking out. With that said, I would not recommend anyone just looking to play the game purchase it on the Switch if they have the ability to play on another platform. Switch ports are always going to suffer from being a slight step down from their other console counterparts, and Destroy All Humans! is no different.

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7 / 10.0 - Legend of Mana
Jun 25, 2021

For better or for worse, Square Enix wanted to make sure the Legend of Mana HD remaster was as close to the original as possible. Thankfully a beautiful world and good story help make up for the lack of guidance or varied combat. It may not be the most welcoming to newcomers, but fans of the original are in for a wonderful trip down nostalgia lane.

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Jun 18, 2021

While no game is completely perfect, it’s hard to find fault with Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. The game is stunningly beautiful, incredibly smooth to play, and brilliantly written. A truly vibrant and dynamic universe you will never want to leave.

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