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Kyle Foley

Orlando, FL

86 games reviewed
80.8 average score
85 median score
73.3% of games recommended

Kyle Foley's Reviews

Kyle is a freelance writer from Orlando, FL currently serving as an Assitant Editor at ButWhyTho?
Feb 26, 2022

While there is still more to come with “The Witch Queen,” in the form of the new raid launching on March 5th, the content given in the base expansion is simply Destiny at its absolute best. The campaign is by far the best of the series, both in terms of storytelling and gameplay itself, and might be one of my favorite shooter campaigns of all time. The bar has been raised going forward; the only question is whether or not Bungie can keep it up from here.

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Feb 14, 2022

Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires is a game that I found extremely fun at times, but monotonous at others. Strategic tasks become mundane and repetitive very quickly, but the combat involved in the actual battles helps make up for it... There is fun to be had, just don't expect a grand strategy experience with a deep story or overly involved decisions and mechanics.

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5 / 10.0 - In My Shadow
Feb 10, 2022

I love the idea of In My Shadow. It has a somewhat intriguing storyline and unique gameplay that show a lot of potential. Bella is not the deepest of main characters, but I did find myself drawn into her story initially. I also really did like the idea of moving objects to solves puzzles found in the shadows. It is an enjoyable game to play, but I just wish there was more to it than what we received.

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Jan 30, 2022

Long-time fans of the Pokémon franchise should be very excited about the future of the Pokémon games, even if not everything in Pokémon Legends: Arceus is a home run. Despite the flaws, I really enjoyed my time and can’t wait to see what comes next!

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9 / 10.0 - Mini Motorways
Dec 10, 2021

While Mini Motorways isn’t going to present you with an incredible story or massively varied mechanics, the experience is one you’ll want to keep coming back to. There are seemingly countless options to choose from, and the new Challenge City update takes it to the next level. If you are looking for a game that can be played for 5 minutes or 5 hours, Mini Motorways is absolutely worth every second of your time.

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9 / 10.0 - Loop Hero
Dec 9, 2021

Loop Hero was already a Game of the Year contender for me, but the ability to play it on the go makes it very difficult to keep out of the top spot. It is essentially a role-playing game management simulator, and I mean that in the best way possible. If you have not had the chance to play Loop Hero yet, do yourself a favor and pick this up on Switch as soon as possible. I promise you that you won’t regret it!

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Dec 1, 2021

Pro Basketball Manager 2022 is a promising management game that still has room to improve. However, it will absolutely scratch the basketball management itch, and options are plentiful.

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Overall, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are incredibly faithful remakes of Diamond and Pearl, warts and all. There are some nice new additions that enhance the experience, and the visual style is unique and quite good-looking. It’s hard not to recommend these to any Pokémon fan or newcomer to the franchise. There might be a few negatives, but none of them take much away from the overall excellent experience.

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Nov 15, 2021

Overall, Vaas: Insanity is an excellent first DLC for Far Cry 6. The look into the chaos of Vaas’ mind is a really interesting one, and the gameplay loop is as intriguing as it is challenging. It can be fun solo or with friends, and is absolutely worth taking the time to check out.

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7 / 10.0 - World War Z
Nov 9, 2021

World War Z may not do anything to really stand out in the genre, but that doesn’t mean it is not a fun time. The core of the game is very basic, and at times can feel like a simple reskin of other similar games, but that should not turn anyone away from checking it out. I would especially recommend it if you are looking for a zombie game on the Switch, as it is probably the best option out there for you.

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9 / 10.0 - Echo Generation
Oct 20, 2021

Echo Generation does an excellent job of combining nostalgic feelings for the 90s with modern game development in a way that makes every second an enjoyable time. The characters are diverse and interesting, the combat is varied and fun, and the world is about as beautiful as it gets. Combine all of that with the fact that it’s launching on Xbox Gamepass, and it’s impossible not to recommend Echo Generation.

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Oct 9, 2021

Overall, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is a fun fighting game with iconic characters and easy to learn but challenging to master mechanics. They nailed the feel of a good fighting game, but the game still feels like it has a ways to go before it reaches the level of an iconic franchise like Smash. The potential is absolutely there, and after we see a few DLC launches who knows where it will stand, but for now it’s hard to imagine myself inviting friends over to play All-Star Brawl when Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is still around.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Lost Judgment
Sep 25, 2021

Throughout my time with Lost Judgement, I felt torn about how I ultimately felt about the game. There were moments that I really enjoyed, especially the combat, but the handling of sexual assault and some unimaginative mechanics left me frustrated at best. All in all, I would say Lost Judgement is a perfectly okay sequel that fans of the original Judgement are sure to enjoy. It may not be amazing, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth playing. If you can handle the negatives, some genuinely great moments in Lost Judgment are worth experiencing.

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Sep 23, 2021

Death Stranding Director’s Cut is a game with a ton going on. It’s an easy recommendation for anyone looking for a creative and enjoyable experience. The only question for those who played the original version is whether or not they enjoyed their first trip through Kojima’s brilliant creation. If you did, or if this is your first time playing Death Stranding, you are absolutely going to love every second of the Death Stranding Director’s Cut.

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9 / 10.0 - Gamedec
Sep 16, 2021

Overall, Gamedec is an excellent attempt to do the impossible. Tabletop games are as popular as they are today because they can't be replicated anywhere else, but Gamedec comes as close as possible to making it a reality. I felt like my choices truly mattered, and that's not something that happens often in games. While some of the virtualias can feel a bit tedious, the overall narrative they serve makes the experience worth it.

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10 / 10.0 - Townscaper
Sep 6, 2021

Townscaper is the perfect game if you’re looking for a way to relax and unwind while flexing your creative muscles. The mechanics may be limited, but the game itself is absolutely limitless. Townscaper is like a nice warm batch of cookies from grandma, and I can already tell I will be returning quite often to the comforts I found while playing.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Recompile
Aug 19, 2021

Recompile is not a bad game by any means, I just would not say it is a great one. I enjoyed myself at times, but ultimately feel like it did not do remotely enough to stand apart from the rest of the genre. Recompile is an interesting concept, but one that feels more like an incomplete idea. I loved the concepts, but there are some core gameplay things that would need to be fixed in order for me to truly feel like the idea made it’s way onto my computer the way the developers intended.

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8 / 10.0 - Necrobarista
Aug 17, 2021

As a visual novel, Necrobarista: Final Pour works hard to try to set itself apart from the genre. At times it does a really fantastic job, and even the negative aspects aren’t nearly enough to stop me from recommending the game to visual novel fans. Necrobarista: Final Pour is a unique take on a common theme, as well as a fresh approach to a genre that can feel a tad paint-by-numbers at times. I absolutely enjoyed every second of my time in Melbourne, and the way it made me think about death and my own mortality was truly fascinating.

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10 / 10.0 - Axiom Verge 2
Aug 11, 2021

Axiom Verge 2 is an outstanding game that really sets the bar for future indie Metroidvania games. It builds on the original’s success by introducing new mechanics and ideas that help freshen up a classic and sometimes stale genre. I loved every second of my journey as Indra, and I know you will too.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Patron
Aug 10, 2021

Patron is an ambitious game, working hard to stand out in a genre that is saturated with countless clones of each other. The social system is intricate, although I think it still has some work to be done to make it feel as massive as Overseer Games would like it to be. Still, there is a lot to like about Patron, and it is a perfectly enjoyable city builder.

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