Whitney Meers

4 games reviewed
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8 / 10 - Old World
Jul 1, 2021

Old World adds dimension and complexity to the 4X style, but its slow pace and intricate resource management hinder it from reaching its full potential.

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Apr 26, 2022

This new space 4X game is nothing novel, but Stardock's latest release builds on classic strategy mechanics while giving them a contemporary, intergalactic twist.

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Feb 27, 2023

Sons of the Forest is an utterly engrossing game, and in losing myself in it, hours went by as I explored. For me, the main concerns are in content density, lack of direction, and a lingering feeling of being unfinished which, to be fair, is totally understandable from an early-access title. The building is a little clunky. There are visual issues with certain animations. It’s also given way to many hilarious glitches, including a physics issue that launched my character into the sky while chopping down a tree.

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Mar 3, 2023

Perhaps part of the issue with this is in the expectations. The marketing materials surrounding Lightfall built it up to tell the story that would lead us to the space game’s final chapter. But Bungie should know one thing: if it wants to keep its players happy, it should never make a promise it can’t keep.

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