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Neil Bolt

Favorite Games:
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Metal Gear Solid 2
  • XCOM 2

482 games reviewed
72.7 average score
75 median score
50.0% of games recommended

Neil Bolt's Reviews

Writer For DreadXP, GameWatcher, PlayStation Universe, and more. Co-host of Horror game podcast Safe Room.
Oct 5, 2016

Not the most visually appealing episode, but Colorado has its own charms and sees the story come to the forefront, if a little too late to have the impact it desires.

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9 / 10.0 - Virginia
Sep 22, 2016

Virginia takes the adventure game to new places, and while not everyone might want to join in on the trip, those that do will be rewarded with a thoroughly mesmerising experience that stays with you long after the credits roll

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There's promise going forward, for the story at least, but this is an otherwise messy episode on several levels.

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Inoffensive, and pleasing enough as finales go, but there’s a clear feeling that Minecraft Story Mode could have, and should have, finished much stronger than this. In truth, it did, four episodes ago.

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Sep 18, 2016

There’s no denying that the Bioshock series is an ambitious one, and that it features some much loved/derided games. Bioshock Collection is the current definitive way to experience those games on consoles, but there’s little new for long-term fans beyond a bit of spit n’ polish.

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Sep 18, 2016

It may show its age in places, but the core of the original Dead Rising has not become rotten in the past decade. A shame then the same cannot quite be said of its successors.

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Sep 13, 2016

If PES 2016 was the best entry in around a decade, then PES 2017 is arguably among the greatest in the series full stop. With extra care and attention paid to improving on many of its predecessor’s strengths, as well as tweaking and fixing adhered to its issues, PES 2017 comes out of it as a fantastic football game.

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Sep 6, 2016

A solid, satisfactory final slab of DLC for Fallout 4, but the flame of enthusiasm has all but been extinguished at this point.

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Sep 4, 2016

There’s nothing new for repeat players except another crack at an exceptional, if ever-so-slightly dated game. For those who haven’t picked up Resident Evil 4 in a while however, this is as good a time as any to remind yourself of what heights this series can reach.

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9.5 / 10.0 - INSIDE
Aug 30, 2016

Inside is as beautiful as it is bleak. A truly fantastic experience that deserves its place among the very best games of the generation.

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7 / 10.0 - Prominence Poker
Aug 25, 2016

Prominence Poker is surprisingly enjoyable as a casual, yet competitive, multiplayer game.

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Aug 24, 2016

Bangkok is the weakest episode so far, but even Hitman at its weakest is still pretty good, grim fun.

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Aug 19, 2016

Mankind Divided is a thoroughly satisfying Action RPG that understands how to make stealth play enjoyable, flexible and challenging. The design of its near-future world is remarkable, and the stories held within it are compelling. The only sour taste here is an ending at odds, and the slightest whiff of over-familiarity.

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7.5 / 10.0 - No Man's Sky
Aug 15, 2016

It’s flawed in some fundamental, if fixable, ways, but No Man’s Sky has a dreamlike allure for those who can sink their teeth into its space-faring expanses. A memorable game, if not quite what it could be.

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A steadfastly solid start to Batman’s Telltale series, but Bruce Wayne isn’t the only one with demons to overcome. Some poor writing and acting, plus the usual slowdown and engine troubles means that this isn’t a peak performance for the developer or the character, even if it does set up the rest of the series nicely.

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Aug 3, 2016

Inheritance isn’t much cop as a horror, missing the power of the unknown that Layers of Fear possessed. It’s as a wonderfully surreal epilogue to the main story where it works best.

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Access Denied renews the focus on the Order of the Stone’s adventure and adds a couple of interesting new characters into the mix for this sci-fi-tinged episode. Unfortunately, it’s brief and more of a series of good moments peppered into a rather pedestrian plot than the upturn in form that was needed to kickstart this mini-series

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Jul 26, 2016

Without ever being spectacular, Riptide GP(R) provides a good value, highly enjoyable water-based racing experience that doesn’t outstay its welcome.

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7 / 10.0 - Headlander
Jul 25, 2016

Headlander is an okay game made much better by a suitably daft concept, and the way it’s presented. It’s an amusing take on the Metroidvania-style genre that adds little new mechanically.

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Jul 21, 2016

A welcome addition to an already strong series, Hitman delivers once again with two fresh hits that put interesting spins on existing levels.

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