Kyle Prahl
- Persona 4 Golden
- Final Fantasy X
- Kingdom Hearts
Dancing All Night is a joy to play and a powerful nostalgia trip for Persona 4 fans, but it’s slim on content in a way that could limit universal appeal.
Equal parts teen slasher, action adventure, and psychological horror, Until Dawn throws a lot at the board and nails only some of it. But its biggest win is choice--permanent, unpredictable, and meaningful.
Andromeda’s first adventure is plagued by frustrations. But memorable characters, a satisfying story, and deep RPG systems ultimately win the day.
Watch Dogs on PS4 executes fresh gameplay ideas with aplomb, marking one of the first games of this new generation of consoles to innovate within its genre. It's a slower, smarter sandbox shooter with an astounding degree of content, but despite resonant themes of technological overbearance, its poorly handled story likely won't grip you.
Not every part of the Ratchet & Clank formula still shines, but this PS4 reboot is gold. Updated controls are the perfect way to experience bombastic, addictive firefights with awesome weaponry.
A great platformer in its own right, Tearaway Unfolded doesn't quite capture the revelatory magic of its Vita predecessor, partly because the gameplay and scope remain limited next to sophisticated, inventive controls.
The Nathan Drake Collection presents a trilogy of single-player adventures at their technical best, but the value proposition will depend on series experience and a few matters of preference.
Whether you want more of Resogun's arcade satisfaction or something experimental, Heroes has it. But if you're not excited for both, the DLC is a harder sell.
Kingdom Hearts gets a robust, satisfying collection, with the definitive versions of four great games on offer. It’s a perfect entry point and a welcome moment of cohesion for the series.
Brilliantly accessible with sufficient difficulty and depth, Rez Infinite is the next evolution of the arcade shooter. This cult classic is made better and more beautiful by VR.
Despite colossal expectations, The Last Guardian is a triumph. The tale of Trico and the boy is profound—a beautiful, affecting journey grounded by their relationship.
In God of War, story and gameplay unite for a gripping, memorable journey with unerring focus. Kratos' new beginning is masterfully written, emotionally resonant, and a thrilling challenge.
Horizon Zero Dawn reinvigorates open-world RPGs with an excellent story, creative science fiction, and demanding gameplay. Aloy’s debut is one of PS4’s greatest games.
A masterclass in open-world game design, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt packs every pixel of its gorgeous world with compelling fiction and believable, satisfying role-playing.
DRIVECLUB blends the complexity of realistic simulation with inviting mechanics and gives just enough leeway to evoke heart-pumping power and intensity in every kind of racing fan. A graphical darling with fresh multiplayer ideas to match, DRIVECLUB is irresistible and pushes the genre forward.
Uncharted 4 is the ultimate video game adventure, a visual masterpiece, and a heartfelt, triumphant conclusion for a PlayStation icon.
The first-person camera mode does more than change the flow and feeling of play. In Grand Theft Auto V on PS4, every movement and action carries more excitement and meaning. Alongside visual upgrades and content additions, this version of Rockstar's masterpiece is can't-miss gaming.