Oto Schultz

49 games reviewed
76.3 average score
80 median score
67.3% of games recommended
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7.5 / 10.0 - Beat Slayer
May 28, 2024

Energetic and outspoken protagonist Mia and her trusty pair of headphones are slaying thousands of mindless robots to the beat, just to finally reach the ominous Dietrich, who is making people into literal disco zombies by blasting his own sounds. But beweary, because This synths heavy rhythm-based adventure will not only test your fingers and ears, but your patience and determination too. So just remember to STAY ON BEAT!

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8.5 / 10.0 - Stellar Blade
Apr 25, 2024

In the end, Stellar Blade is clearly a unique title that managed to sneak onto the scene, take the best of modern video games and glue it all together into one consistently breathtaking experience.

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Mar 21, 2024

In feudal times, ronin was a samurai without a master. Being your own master is the feeling delivered by Team Ninja's newest title Rise of the Ronin. Freely roaming huge open world districts with trusty horse companion, gliding throughout architecturally stunning cities of 19th century Japan, switching around diverse combat stances, making bonds with true friend and have epic duels against mighty foes. Moreover this grounded adventure from Bakumatsu period sprinkled with various creative liberties let's you experience Japan's grand opening to the world.

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Feb 27, 2024

We often regard remakes and remasters as a corporate form of quick profit, but every now and then a unique title like Brothers Remake appears unexpectedly and you finally recognize what a true videogame labor of love is. It's a project created with passion and true dedication of the authors to recreate something resembling the original as closely as possible and yet sprinkle here and there a little bit of originality and tiny improvements. Even though this tale of two sons is more than ten years old, this remake shows that it is still worth telling!

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9 / 10.0 - Pacific Drive
Feb 22, 2024

Olympic Peninsula and its Exclusion Zone have hidden many secrets for more then three decades and now, after I got pulled in by a mysterious anomaly, it is finally time to reveal them all! But this is no happy tale of a handsome protagonist, but a mere mortal driver's storyline, which wiggles and twists around a postapocalyptic wasteland. And what better tool to navigate it than a sturdy vehicle, armored with the knowledge of brilliant scientists and quirky tech, that will surely protect me from the horrors of this dystopian world'

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7.5 / 10.0 - The Cub
Feb 19, 2024

The rich took off to Mars quite some time ago and now the toxic Earth is ruled by the orphans of the apocalypse. But one of these cubs is extra curious in the ways of humans compared to the others. Raised by the wolves, equipped with a dead astronaut's helmet with Nostalgia radio and well skilled for parkour traversal of this dead man's land. Are you brave enough to embark with him on this short yet dark adventure across the dangerous surfaces of our planet, overtaken by the forces of sci-fi nature and ready to face-off any unwanted intruders?

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7.5 / 10.0 - KarmaZoo
Jan 25, 2024

How does a bunch of angry-cultured swin'I mean individuals respond to a colorful roster of unbelievably cute, pixelated creatures? Well exactly that is an experiment codenamed Karmazoo, conducted by the developer Pastagames. Their newest game is not only adorable, artsy, and full of fun 2D platforming, but also offers a unique twist for the online cooperation gaming space. This hilarious adventure will offer huge amounts of fun to any online or offline enthusiasts, however, in the end, this concept is totally at its players base's mercy!

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Dec 6, 2023

The first souls-borne child, who seized to become a From Software successor is returning after nine long winters. This new Lampbearer presents a well-established, and captivating setting, filled with a set of well-known features, that any true soulslike fan will love and hate equally. Duality of the game's worlds provides unique aesthetics and puzzle-like mechanics; however, its potential is never reached and noticeable imperfections are ever so noticeable. Developers deliberately sabotage players and frustrate genre fans, who've simply hoped for more'

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9 / 10.0 - Lies of P
Oct 9, 2023

It's a tale as old as time, retold story about a naive lie. But this one's bout a laggy metal boy, who swings a huge sharp sword and not a toy. Who stood up to an army of puppets mad and faced great monsters, what a wonderfully adapted lad. Using Fable Arts and Legion Arms, he collects Ergo to do some charms. Invest thy knowledge to prevent further damage and pay the creators your homage. Seek the secrets and discover what is there to be, of off the brilliant world, created by the somehow not impactful Lies of a naive boy named P!

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Sep 1, 2023

Rise Hound, for the calm embers of Rubicon are slowly starting to burn once again. Huge corps are fighting for all the Coral resources left, AC's change around alliancies and good pilots are nowhere to be found' Scavenge these scorched lands, scramble any passable gear and build yourself an Armored Core! Use these weapons and repair packs to tear apart the beastly industrial machines that stand in our way and give us hope for a better future' Raven, you are our only hope!

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Aug 16, 2023

Aye me cursed undead Hearties! I hope ye are ready for a legendarrry treasure hunt. Captain Mordechai left us a trail of doubloons, that we buccaneers are ought to follow. We sail on this ghostly conscious ship Red Marley, bellies full of grog, singing chanteys all the while Inquisition is hunting down all lovely seadogs. We must assemble a crew of stealthy cursed hands, unleash powers of Marley's progress-saving memories, and kill the vicious inquisitor, Ignacia! Come fly a Jolly Roger with us and find all the promised treasure and glory!

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5.5 / 10.0 - Enclave HD
Aug 14, 2023

In the long-forgotten year 2002, a well put together fantasy adventure Enclave introduced a few inspiring ideas and received a general appraise. The HD port for modern consoles is desperately trying to reignite this flame of the past in the new generation of gamers, but hopelessly fails to impress due to the lack of any meaningful improvements to the original game'

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8 / 10.0 - Exoprimal
Jul 31, 2023

Take out your trusty armored umbrellas because the forecast is cloudy with the chance of...dinosaurs?! To elaborate, this is a short abstract of the absurdly sounding Exoprimal. A multiplayer PvE/PvP title with not only handful of innovative game design instances and captivating story that requires activation of the gray brain matter, but also thousands of angry reptiles, who are more than ready to eat off your limbs and head. With time traveling, mischievous AI and many real-world parallels, this is truly a blast from the past! (pun intended)

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Jul 26, 2023

Expansion Aurora Shores for hunting simulator Way of the Hunter is an honest and faithful love letter to Alaska's wildlife. New map, animal species, bunch of quality-of-life improvements and of course the new CROSBOWS improve and build upon the well-established formula of the last year's title. There are still a few minor irritations worth fixing but nevertheless, this wonderful simulation of northern nature will surely take your breath away' Good luck hunters!

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6.5 / 10.0 - Crash Team Rumble
Jul 10, 2023

This 4v4 title with matches under 5 minutes is a blast for a quick evening couch session. On the other hand, the lack of any meaningful content, variety of modes, players and other makes it harder to come back to. But with reasonably spaced-out updates and seasons filed with content, this might just be a major multiplayer glow up!

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9 / 10.0 - Humanity
May 16, 2023

Humanity is such a well-suited metaphor and a precise representation of an intriguing title, condensed into one single word. This game bends around established rules and genres, introduces creative mechanics and provides you with enormous amounts of food for thought. My best attempt at brief description would be something like this: Everything, everywhere, all at once and for everyone! Because this title has a little something for everyone, so you better get to playing'

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8.5 / 10.0 - Darkest Dungeon II
May 9, 2023

Darkest Dungeon 2 is truly a 'streamlined, unnecessary genres dropping and infinitely expanding' evolution of its predecessor. This beautiful work of harmoniously coexisting design and mechanics reminds me of an enormous roguelike jug filled to the brim with horrifyingly hardcore gameplay, many difficult choices, huge 50+ hours long campaign and a whole bunch of Lovecraftian horror! Oh and there are cute pets riding on your stagecoach too.

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Apr 14, 2023

Purely block-based Minecraft world returns, but with a truly unexpected, sometimes tiny bit shallow, RTS twist. This tactical adventure is bright, saturated, full of fresh ideas and with its PVP/co-op content, crafted especially for you and your fellow builders. It's time to grab your gaming tools, gather the resources and mount your favourite animal, because this minecart joyride is supposedly only the beginning!

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5.5 / 10.0 - Ravenbound
Apr 4, 2023

Ravenbound strives to conquer the gaming skies, but its ambitiously fragile bones break underneath the weight of its own unpolished body. The world is an empty shell which desperately needs the mighty soul of some open world God, that will solve repetitive gameplay, technical issues and fill this husk of a world with some actual content, rather than just endless fighting. Neat ideas are here, and the intriguing genre mixing provides a well-deserved breath of fresh air, that unfortunately gets quickly spoiled by frustrating shortcomings'

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8.5 / 10.0 - Tinykin
Mar 27, 2023

Tinykins as the name suggests, are not only the tiniest, but also the cutest of useful helpers who will assist the scientist Milodane on his wholesome journey across this typical, insects infested human household. This staple of relaxing game marries addictive gameplay and creative game mechanics with adorable visuals and peaceful soundtrack. This must play hidden gem draws a lot of inspiration from the infamous Pikmin series, but it does this just as gracefully as Milo slides across the many rooms on his dope soapsurf.

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