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Stephen Tailby


Favorite Games:
  • Burnout 3: Takedown
  • Sonic The Hedgehog 2
  • Portal 2

318 games reviewed
67.7 average score
70 median score
56.2% of games recommended

Stephen Tailby's Reviews

Having grown up alongside PlayStation, Stephen has developed a wide knowledge of video games, from AAA blockbusters to the smallest indie gems. With relentless enthusiasm, eclectic taste, and a passion for writing, he’s always on the lookout for the next big thing. He also has the Platinum for The Witness, so there’s that.
7 / 10 - EarthNight
Feb 20, 2020

A simple idea executed very well.

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10 / 10 - Dreams
Feb 12, 2020

It may have taken the better part of a decade to make, but the arrival of Dreams feels significant. It represents a whole new way for people to make things and share them with the world. Media Molecule has made a suite of tools that feels intuitive to use, but more than that, it's built a social platform where players can collaborate and explore the imaginations of others. It's a technical marvel, a creative miracle, and one of the most innovative games in years.

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6 / 10 - 7th Sector
Feb 5, 2020

If you're into this brand of weird, wordless narrative adventures, it could be worth wiring up to 7th Sector.

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Jan 31, 2020

Patapon 2 Remastered makes it easy to fall in love with those adorable eyeball creatures all over again. It follows in the footsteps of the first game's PS4 revival, and in doing so it repeats all the highs and lows. You'll struggle to find a gameplay experience as unique as this, and it remains an addictive time sink, but somewhat obtuse design and hectic battles can easily throw you off. It has its flaws, but it's an eccentric and charming game that will eventually have you dancing to its rhythm.

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Jan 27, 2020

It might lack some polish, but Journey to the Savage Planet is an enjoyable jaunt across a strange, open-ended landscape. This is a game you play in order to explore its intriguing environment and interact with the wildlife -- combat is fairly dull, attempts at humour rarely land, and the story almost feels like an afterthought at times. If you're looking for an easy-going sci-fi action game, this just about does enough to satisfy.

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8 / 10 - Flat Heroes
Jan 13, 2020

If you've ever enjoyed the likes of Super Meat Boy or N++, it's worth giving this stylish action title a try.

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7 / 10 - Kine
Dec 22, 2019

Overall, this is an intelligent, neatly packaged puzzler worth checking out.

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7 / 10 - Wattam
Dec 20, 2019

Wattam is a pure, adorable joy. Keita Takahashi's signature idiosyncrasies shine through in this playful game about friendship and finding pleasure in the simple things. Interacting with the wacky cast of characters is great fun, and there's almost no pressure to march on with the story if you'd rather do your own thing. It's a shame the technical side of things lets the experience down somewhat, but when the game is at its ludicrous best, you probably won't care.

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Dec 19, 2019

Enjoyable at any age or ability, Untitled Goose Game is worth a gander.

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4 / 10 - Lost Ember
Dec 9, 2019

Unless you're curious about the narrative, we'd beware of the dog in this case.

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7 / 10 - Tools Up!
Dec 9, 2019

It's an incredibly accessible game, but the necessity to cooperate isn't as strong, and it may not hold your attention as much because there's less going on.

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8 / 10 - GRIS
Nov 29, 2019

Nomada Studio's picturesque adventure has made it to PlayStation 4 almost perfectly intact. The game shines at an unwavering 60 frames per second, and it looks superb on a standard console -- let alone PS4 Pro

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Nov 27, 2019

Gas Guzzlers Extreme is a bad name for a pretty bad game.

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Joyous, imaginative, and full of personality, this is sure to bring a smile to all who play it.

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Nov 22, 2019

If you're a real Doctor Who aficionado, you may find some enjoyment here, but otherwise, this is a waste of your precious time.

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4 / 10 - Bee Simulator
Nov 18, 2019

As a game, Bee Simulator isn't all that enjoyable, but its heart is in the right place.

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7 / 10 - Outer Wilds
Nov 2, 2019

This is a game that presents itself in a unique way, and trusts you to put together its compelling mystery without assistance

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The collection serves as a wonderful dive into a pair of early tie-in successes. If you're a fan of the games, the films, or both, you'll find something to take away here -- it's a fully featured and fascinating trip down memory lane.

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Oct 29, 2019

When Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is at its best, it's easily one of this generation's best entries in the series. The campaign makes up for a so-so story with a run of brilliant missions that offer up some astonishing moments. Multiplayer treads old ground but remains highly compelling, and Gunfight is a successful addition to the list of modes. Special Ops is disappointing, with just a few missions that are all far too difficult to be fun. Overall, this is an entertaining, high-octane shooter with highs that outweigh the lows.

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Oct 25, 2019

Some may struggle with the visuals as it can be a little too noisy in places, but if that's our only quibble, you can deduce that this comes highly recommended.

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