Justin Heitman
Easy to pick up and hard to master, God of Rock has to be one of the most engaging games to come out so far this year.
Overall, WWE 2K23 serves its purpose. Anybody looking to play a fighting game with characters they recognize from WWE’s brand will get precisely what they want. Unfortunately, people looking for a unique fighting game and anyone feeling nostalgic for the great pro wrestling games of the past will be disappointed.
With so many Metroidvania games on the market, Clunky Hero will be drowned out by a multitude of far superior titles. Even if it has its moments, there is absolutely nothing that makes it stand out against similar, better-crafted titles like Hollow Knight or Monster Sanctuary. If anything, it’s worth picking up for a cheap laugh due to its lack of purpose.
Even with its few distracting flaws, almost anyone will find something worthwhile in Hi-Fi Rush. Its seamless integration of rhythm into exploration and combat is met with a harmonious and interesting soundtrack. Colorful, engaging, and funny, anybody will be able to pick up this title easily.
Players familiar with fast-paced combat and dark depictions of fairy tales will find that Blacktail has a lot to offer. Unfortunately, however, Blacktail often trips over its own feet by trying too hard to create a large variety of gameplay mechanics and easily losing track of the goals of its narrative.