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Nikola Jovanović

Belgrade, Serbia

Favorite Games:
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Gran Turismo 7
  • Tekken 8

8 games reviewed
83.1 average score
88 median score
37.5% of games recommended

Nikola Jovanović's Reviews

Over 25 years in gaming journalism, from print media, through the early days of the Internet and the first websites, to today, still in the game! Currently Executive Editor in Chief at IGN Adria, and founder and owner.
Dec 10, 2022

The game works nicely and gets a little better as you get further in. The only real issue is that I, like many other old-school NFS fans, had high expectations from it, but in the end, we got a mediocre Need for Speed game and hands-down what I feel is the worst racing game Criterion made so far.

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7.5 / 10.0 - AEW: Fight Forever
Jul 14, 2023

AEW Fight Forever draws inspiration from WWF No Mercy for Nintendo 64, so here we have a double dose of wrestling and retro gaming fanaticism all rolled up into one.

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Studio Milestone are, without a doubt, the experts for bike games in the gaming industry today, not so much because they are particularly very good, but because few other developers bother with simulations of all conceivable disciplines and forms of motorbike racing.

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May 22, 2023

The casual fun that Puzzle Bobble brings is timeless, even though you can essentially get the same fix in a game from 1995. Everybubble! brings a smooth modernized experience to the Switch with just enough significant new features and gimmicks to justify its existence.

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Oct 21, 2019

Catherine is truly a one-of-a-kind game, and like a fine wine, it has aged wonderfully in its Full Body edition, which in 2019 still feels as fresh and unique as it did eight years ago. With its classy presentation, mature themes, and dialogues, along with the numerous ways this game will test your intelligence, reflexes, and ultimately your personality, it definitely earns a spot in the must-play category, as there is absolutely nothing else like it.

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9 / 10.0 - Shenmue III
Dec 20, 2019

An absolute time travel of a game that flawlessly teleports players to different eras. From the very start as a Kickstarter title, Shenmue III was conceived as a game for fans, and in that regard, it almost perfectly fulfills its purpose. Some things are impossible to measure with ratings, and the heart and soul of SEGA AM2’s legacy that radiates from this title in full dazzling brilliance is invaluable to those emotionally tied to it. This is not the new Star Wars trilogy, nor some twisted reboot forcefully adapted to modern trends, nor is it the humble and unsuccessful attempt to please the West by lost Japanese studios. This is a true example of how to make a game for loyal fans, even if they aren’t that numerous. While the future of the series remains uncertain, the mere fact that we got such a game in 2019 is enough reason to say #ShenmueSaved.

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9 / 10.0 - Forza Horizon 5
Nov 23, 2021

I’m not sure how to further perfect this series, but one thing is certain: the next Forza Horizon really needs to come after a longer break and be a game made exclusively for the next generation, so we can at least get a bigger leap in graphical quality, especially if we can’t draw much more from new environments within this phenomenal concept. Forza Horizon 5 is a beautiful game full of content and fun, the absolute pinnacle of the simcade genre, with virtually no competition. However, it will likely be most appreciated by players who haven’t played the previous installments.

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Jul 12, 2023

Needless to say, it’s hard not to recommend this compilation to older players who have nostalgic memories of this era – you definitely won’t find better versions of these games in earlier compilations or on emulators.

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