Tina Amini
The campaign isn't the greatest, but multiplayer manages to succeed in the way it always has, with the addition of a fun and inventive new mode.
A solid multiplayer experience that's fun to play over and over again until you've mastered it.
It's fast, fun, fluid, and a fresh way to play what was becoming a stale genre. And it makes you feel good.
Tearaway connects you to the game's world in a delightful, fourth-wall-breaking way that also takes great advantage of the Vita platform.
It's very well designed, a lot of fun, and a good way to put the PS4 through its paces.
Its setting and art style are as romantic as its storyline is dark. The dichotomies of #d and 2D and light and dark complement the game well.
The singleplayer certainly isn't worth your time, but multiplayer is as fun as ever so far. Waiting until public servers are up before we make a judgment.
Pick three friends, span the character classes, and get to killing. You won't be disappointed.