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Ryan Meitzler


Favorite Games:
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • Half-Life 2
  • Fallout 3

131 games reviewed
78.1 average score
80 median score
61.8% of games recommended

Ryan Meitzler's Reviews

Video editor, writer, chocolate milk connoisseur.

With this episode, Telltale Games wonderfully balances character development, story progression, and a hearty amount of good laughs all in one 90 minute to two hour session, setting it as a bit of a double-edged sword for the series as both its highlight (so far) and a tough bar to reach for the subsequent episodes.

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Mar 14, 2015

However, poor design decisions that impact the game's main combat mechanics may make for a much longer trip than anyone could anticipate. Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. has the visuals and concept to go the distance, but unfortunately through some of the game's more ill-advised ideas and concepts, it runs out of steam pretty quickly.

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Mar 10, 2015

Even though Hotline Miami 2 asks much of what the original title asked of players, specifically if they "liked hurting people," the tough questions and even harsher consequences made me want to keep looking, even if it was unbearable and uncomfortable to do so at times.

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8 / 10.0 - Evolve
Feb 10, 2015

Though its long-term ability to survive has yet to be seen, in the short run that this first-person shooter has been out in the wild, it's already proven itself as a beast of a different color, and one that certainly will provide thrills and the joy of the hunt for anyone looking to stare right back at it.

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While Game of Thrones has yet to give a definitive vision of what the future holds for House Forrester (and knowing the series and George R.R. Martin's inclinations it probably isn't going to be good) Episode 2 of its game adaptation still shows that their tale is worth sticking through to the end, even if it may mean paying the iron price for it.

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But, by the end of Episode 1 of Life is Strange, the game at the very least also proves that life is filled with rewarding challenges and beautiful moments, even if they fade like a weathered old photograph.

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6 / 10.0 - Dying Light
Jan 27, 2015

Despite its flaws, it's an enjoyable and still fresh experience, more than anything seen across the beautiful Middle East-inspired Harran that promises plenty to do, sights to see, and missions to complete.

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Jan 1, 2015

Down to the 8-bit music and classic themes from each title, Ultimate NES Remix brings you back to the good old days (either in a good or bad way), its frantic mini games and love of Nintendo new and old absolutely being worth the blast from the past.

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Dec 8, 2014

Transitioning from blazing speed with Sonic to awkwardly fumbling with searching for crystals with Knuckles, Tails, or any of the side characters never gels in a way that feels satisfying or rewarding, leaving Shattered Crystal a hodgepodge mess of gameplay ideas that never work as a whole. Sonic Boom attempts to bring the franchise to a new generation with some fresh ideas, but more often falls victim to the past: another body to add to the pile of poor Sonic reboots, and more in a more horrifying sense, probably not the last.

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The first episode of the game series is a finely crafted adventure game adaptation — it's a good blade with a few imperfections, but with some polish and sharpening, it will be keen as a blade in the night.

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Previous Borderlands titles have taken us from Pandora, to the moon, and back, but the first episode of Tales from the Borderlands has already shown that there are plenty of other places in the Borderlands universe that we have yet to explore.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Far Cry 4
Nov 17, 2014

In taking players high into the mountains, Far Cry 4 often reaches even higher and very nearly touches the skies above it — it's only in a few areas that its ambition slightly avoids its grasp. Despite its weaker aspects in story and characters, it keeps players coming back to Kyrat.

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Nov 10, 2014

[W]hile it sets its sails to head into uncharted waters for the series narratively, the game's journey back into the established trail more often makes the title feel like a familiar journey than an exciting new venture. By flipping things around into the eyes of the enemy, Rogue presents us with a new perspective on a centuries-long conflict — the problem is that everything else we've seen before.

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Oct 13, 2014

It's another wacky, wonderful adventure in the world of Borderlands, and though this title may take us to somewhere new and unseen, there are still a few sights that may be a bit familiar to fans — though don't let that stop you from taking a trip to the moon.

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Sep 26, 2014

Though it may lack some of the heftier features of previous titles with no long-form Classic or Adventure Modes, Super Smash Bros. for 3DS instead opts for truly-refined and lean gameplay that not only works well for the portable platform on 3DS, but proves to bring some exciting new additions like Smash Run just as engaging and fun as the regular bouts of brawling in the ring. As a love letter to Nintendo fans, Super Smash Bros. for 3DS brings together the best of gaming into one of the best 3DS games available, and although the portable title may be a warm-up for this holiday's Wii U version, it will be hard not jumping back in for a few more practice rounds on the 3DS.

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As players have been at Clementine's side since the first season, this episode is proof that things for Clementine and the group may be dire, but there's always the chance of a new beginning.

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It's an excellent re-imagining of an old classic that will surely please both veterans and curious newcomers alike. Even if Abe was the reluctant hero of Oddworld, New 'N' Tasty! is giving him the attention he deserves.

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Aside from some slight tonal inconsistencies and story deviations, "Amid the Ruins" does still maintain the great quality of The Walking Dead with a number of tense scenes and overall building toward the final outcomes of the season. With some action setpieces that put the group into peril in the face of looming threats like the imminent snow, and leading up to a conclusion with an enormous and devastating cliffhanger, it still manages to put many pieces into play, despite some noticeable shortcomings in terms of its character development.

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Though it's still too early to tell just yet on the prospects of what we can expect for Season Two of The Wolf Among Us, the concluding episode of the first season brings out the absolute best that the series has had to offer across five episodes, and thankfully shows that the case for The Wolf Among Us hasn't been closed just yet.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Shovel Knight
Jun 26, 2014

Shovel Knight is a game that looks fondly on its past but its shovel-wielding hero can easily earn a seat next to the timeless Mario or Mega Man.

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