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Ryan Meitzler


Favorite Games:
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • Half-Life 2
  • Fallout 3

131 games reviewed
78.1 average score
80 median score
61.8% of games recommended

Ryan Meitzler's Reviews

Video editor, writer, chocolate milk connoisseur.
Jun 24, 2014

The title is certainly not without its faults with fairly simple gameplay and puzzle-solving, and a sometimes over-reliance on historical facts and pop-up text to describe its WWI-inspired world. Yet, like the greatest feats and tales of the first World War, this tale, though difficult to witness at times, is nonetheless an important and great one for the ages.

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Even as a slightly lesser and brief episode, "In Sheep's Clothing" does provide us with the door now open to the end of Bigby's adventures: the only way we can find out what's next is by going through.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Transistor
May 20, 2014

Like the saddest songs that call to us from the depths of our emotions — from despair, to longing, to heartbreak — Transistor may not necessarily be the easiest, or most accessible, title to jump into wholeheartedly in a rush. But given time and a chance to shine, its song resonates beautifully when it hits all the right notes.

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Though Clementine's story may be drawing closer and closer to some grim truths and hard choices, "In Harm's Way" proves that The Walking Dead: Season Two is not worth looking away from just yet.

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Apr 28, 2014

Kirby may be small and cute, but he doesn't let looks deceive anyone, and neither should those that look at Kirby: Triple Deluxe. With a wide variety of charming levels and an even greater assortment of fun, inventive power-ups and abilities, Triple Deluxe's slightly gameplay misgivings are easy to overlook, even if it's only because of Kirby's inescapable cuteness and charm. Although Kirby may not have the big presence of Nintendo's other franchises, this gamenevertheless makes a case as one of the system's most refreshing and feature-packed platformers yet, and provides a fun, old-school experience that is all too easy to get sucked into.

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With only two episodes left until the case can (presumably) come to a close, the third episode of the series brings us back on the path to the killer and takes where we need to go for the bitter end of The Wolf Among Us — even if it's to places we may not necessarily want to wind up.

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Mar 13, 2014

Yoshi’s New Island may bring a more relatively easy experience to more hard-pressed Nintendo fans, but its pastel charms and colorful spirit shouldn’t be off-putting to anyone. What it may lack in technical and gameplay innovation, it more than makes up for in creativity and charm – it would be hard for even the most sour-faced Nintendo fan to not crack a smile and want the best for Yoshi and Baby Mario to make it to safety. Yoshi may not be Mario, but he stills gives plenty a reason for gamers to take a trip to his own little paradise in Yoshi’s New Island, even if it’s just for a day-trip.

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Clementine and her group may face uncertainty and (most certainly) death around every corner in The Walking Dead, but in its newest episode Telltale Games ensures that players will face a tense, thrilling ride for the rest of Season Two that will have us only looking forward, with no chance to look back.

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Feb 25, 2014

Standing next to titles like Titanfall or Call of Duty in a genre that's even more crowded, it may not be the next "big" shooter to take online multiplayer by storm -– and it probably never will. But, with more than enough fun unique twists than several other shooters by comparison, it's assured that this game easily stands apart from the crowd — whether it's the brain-munching kind or not.

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Figuring things out and uncovering the truth in Fabletown surely isn't easy, but with Episode 2 continuing to prove The Wolf Among Us as another excellent addition to Telltale's roster, playing through the latest chapter of the noir crime saga is not nearly difficult at all.

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While obviously there are still four more episodes to go and we're just playing the start of Clementine's journey, Episode 1 of The Walking Dead: Season Two gets the new season off to a thrilling start that proves the wait was well worth it.

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