Aniquilation Reviews

Aniquilation is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 10.0
Aug 12, 2022

On arrival, I had a sense of hope and promise for the twin-stick shooter, Aniquilation, but was left with an "oh well" experience. With a little refinement, it has the potential to be a really fun game with some interesting aspects. As it is, the game leaves too much to be desired.

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Aug 17, 2022

I enjoyed my time with ANIQUILATION as it's a solid twin-stick shooter that will have you mastering planets filled with dastardly foes.

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5 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2022

Aniquilation is an indie twin-stick shooter that should have impressed me. Its short sharp rounds and the simple story could have been excellent. Instead, much of its action is poorly executed, leaving you frustrated.

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2 / 5.0
Aug 14, 2022

Unfortunately Aniquilation squanders an interesting concept with poor level design that does its best to ensure that the various mechanics at play are nothing short of frustrating the majority of the time. There is some fun to be had if you can endure the frustrations and fight your way through to the later stages of Aniqulation’s levels, where the environments open up and it becomes more apparent what the developers were going for. Sprinkle in the technical issues, and Aniquilation is difficult to recommend to anyone other than the most dedicated of twin-stick shooter fans.

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Jesse Norris
Top Critic
4 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2022

I have been unable to find out the final price of this title. If it’s under $10 and you have someone to play with it might be worth checking out, though you’ll most likely finish every level in a single night. From the gameplay to the graphics and the lack of variety, there is nothing here that even reaches the level of being mediocre.

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