Gerda: A Flame in Winter Reviews

Gerda: A Flame in Winter is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
75 / 100
Sep 1, 2022

Gerda: A Flame in Winter is a great experience that simply isn’t usually told. The game isn’t particularly long, at about 5-6 hours, but it is intended to be played more than once to see the alternate possibilities. It also shows a side of the War that isn’t shown very often because it isn’t glitzy and glamorous. But real civilians lived through World War 2, and their stories should also be told.

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3 / 5.0
Sep 2, 2022

Gerda: A Flame in Winter is a brilliantly done RPG. In the art department, it is insanely good, but the sound design could be done in a way that immerses the players a lot more than it does in its current state. The RPG system is nothing new, but it is very nuanced and immersive. Many aspects of the story, like the internal conflicts, make it interesting. It is predictable, sure, but it is really good, and isn’t that all that matters?

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Sep 1, 2022

Gerda: A Flame in Winter is a deeply emotive tale of love, loss and resistance set in the closing months of the Second World War.

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