Juliana Paiva Zapparoli

127 games reviewed
76.0 average score
80 median score
58.3% of games recommended
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Even with the obvious hardware limitations, Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & The Envisioned Land is extremely beautiful on the hybrid console and is worth checking out for those who are already familiar with the Atelier franchise or for those who, like me, are curious to get to know it. With a more interactive world, renewed combat and the addition of construction mechanics, it is an excellent entry in the series, without leaving aside its already well-known identity. The amount of content available is also impressive, guaranteeing several hours of gameplay and many different ways of approaching it for those who like to explore everything a title has to offer. If the next game can redeem Atelier Yumia's flaws, Gust's series will certainly have gained a new fan.

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Feb 25, 2025

[...]the story in Ever 17 - The Out of Infinity still works — we can experience the mystery and emotional weight that permeates the attempts to escape a lethal sinking. However, for those, like me, who have had any contact with the original Ever17, there's a feeling that something essential has been dilluted. The remake definitely is an interesting experience but inevitably inferior to the classic that came before. It leaves only hope that Mages and Spike Chunsoft work together to bring the original version of one of the best sci-fi visual novels ever created.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Afterlove EP
Feb 13, 2025

Though Afterlove EP presents technical issues and some inconsistencies in its gameplay — with the former being easy to fix with a patch —, the overall result is extremely and beautifully positive. As a client of the agency I work at would say, this is a game with purpose and impact, able to touch us with what really matters, and, above all, make us think about our own actions.

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Feb 6, 2025

Reinforcing the feeling that, oftentimes, urban myths are born and perpetuate themselves through information sharing, Urban Myth Dissociation Center doesn't only offer a set of intriguing cases; it goes beyond and uses them as pieces of a bigger puzzle that calls into question the bases of our reality.

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Overall, NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD: Typing of The Net suffers an identity crisis. The spin-off does try to capture the original essence while introducing new gameplay elements, but fails in balancing out those two sides. As a result, we get a game that doesn't manage to please NEED STREAMER OVERLOAD fans nor typing games enthusiasts. The concept had the chance to exude charisma and potential, but, thanks to an extremely poor execution, this title doesn't hold water as a standalone experience.

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Feb 3, 2025

NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD invites us to reflect about the pressure and the trappings of the digital world. The story doesn't romantize or oversimplify Ame's experiences but presents them in an honest and raw fashion. For some people, this may be cathartic; for others, unsettling — but, more than anything, it's a reminder that searching for online validation may have a high toll on our mental health.

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The Restless Sheep & The Lone Wolf -A Tale of Cutthroat Lovers- brings a plot of violence, action and romance in an intriguing criminal underworld ambiance in Kabukicho. The story, despite its issues in character development, offers an immersive experience with Kurashiki's shady, detailed worldbuilding standing out, and a very good portrayal of it with vibrant colors and the excellent character design. However, the game experience is hindered by questionable choices in the sex scenes. If you manage to ignore these excesses, you'll find an intriguing story and a twisted romance and, for those with the guts and the disposition to face the visual novel's negative aspects, it may offer an experience that is at the very least curious.

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Dec 15, 2024

If you like bittersweet romance that could be enjoyed in a few hours, you've just found your next read.

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Dec 14, 2024

Thanks to the excellent audiovisual presentation, the lasting impression is that we are watching a beautiful animation created with care. It's true that Keisuke and Haruka could have had more screentime, not just leaving the story to be carried by Chika, but the final result is positive.

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6 / 10.0 - Devil Reversi
Nov 30, 2024

Taking into account its concept, it's evident that Devil Reversi was planned to be played on the PvP mode, with all the unpredictability of its mechanics and the urgence to play within the time limit. It's not a bad game or one that lacks innovation, but playing it alone ends up becoming tiresome and dull quickly. If only its story mode had a story to tell, my impression could have been different. The way it is, I can only hope that more people end up interested in Devil Reversi and hype up the online PvP.

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Oct 28, 2024

SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky stands as the first coming of the Memories Off franchise to the west, but, unfortunately, it leaves something to be desired in a crucial aspect: the English localization, which severely compromises the enjoyment and understanding of the story. Maybe it's not the best way to promote this brand-new content on this side of the globe, but the product is a great recommendation for those who love a more mundane, believable and down-to-earth narrative.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Eternights
Oct 21, 2024

For those who love indies filled with good ideas, Eternights brings established formulas from various notable titles to tell a story about the end of the world with teenagers that only wanted to live their lives. There's definitely room for various improvements but this action RPG is one of the best picks for those who want a well established plot and an almost exclusive focus on character development.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Refind Self
Oct 14, 2024

Simple at its surface, complex in execution, Refind Self: The Personality Test Game is an experience that manages to explain how our decisions in many situations mold us as people. It's not a 100% accurate personality test, obviously, but it definitely helps clear many doubts we have about ourselves.

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9 / 10.0 - 9 R.I.P.
Oct 1, 2024

Betting on themes that go beyond traditional romance, 9 R.I.P. is yet another excellent pick for visual novel fans, especially for people who enjoy the otome demography. Even with a slightly more mature approach compared to other Otomate titles I've reviewed, the game is an invite to a narrative in which the supernatural and human emotions intertwine in an exceptionally well-made manner and without leaving loose ends.

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7 / 10.0 - REYNATIS
Sep 23, 2024

Reynatis deserved more polish, that's undeniable, especially with the price tag on eShop [...] For enthusiasts of the genre, especially fans of Square Enix's titles, this RPG is a good pick and it's far from being one of the worst in the hybrid console library despite some caveats.

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Sep 15, 2024

Fitness Boxing feat. HATSUNE MIKU doesn't substitute a real training routine, especially not boxing, but trying to follow the moves and rhythm precisely helps us work up a sweat no doubt. There are some issues that can't be ignored for sure, and maybe the main games in the Fitness Boxing series (especially the second) are more complete than this Vocaloid crossover when it comes to exercising sessions and instructor customization. However, for those who prefer [to work out in] the comfort of their home and having virtual avatars during exercises, for whatever reason, this is a good pick to keep the body moving even if your routine doesn't allow for frequent gym visits.

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Emio - The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club, with a mystery much closer to our reality than the other two games in the series, surprises with its narrative quality. It is quite difficult to reach a concrete conclusion about this title, but I dare say that, in addition to being the best entry in the Famicom Detective Club series, it is, above all, a solid recommendation for fans of suspense stories. Don't be fooled by the text adventure label and gameplay that harks back to the last century: even with its small flaws, the case of the smiling man is promising from start to finish. And honestly speaking? I hope this is not the end of Famicom Detective Club, but if it is, we have here a golden ending.

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Aug 28, 2024

Beyond romance, Lilja and Natsuka Painting Lies discusses empowerment and breaking stereotypes. The chapters also explore how difficulties and traumas we've faced affect and shape our lives; in this sense, it's impossible not to praise the visual novel for putting empathy as the main agent in transformation and personal growth. In sum, the relationship between Lilja and Natsuka exemplify how different perspectives and approaches contribute to something bigger when there's comradery and cooperation between people. Though some fights may be individual, that doesn't mean we need to refuse the help others offer [to us].

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Aug 27, 2024

The Star Named EOS, and its unusual approach, introspective narrative and stunning audiovisual presentation, is an excellent choice for people who prefer short games to relax and think. The Switch version trips up on a few details and the experience can be severely compromised by the lack of hints for the puzzles but, as they say, "it's not the destination but the journey."

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8 / 10.0 - Moonless Moon
Aug 17, 2024

Moonless Moon is more of an immersive and introspective experience than a game, though there are some gameplay elements for us to intervene with during the reading. Sometimes I felt that it lacked a little more "dare" to develop the themes more or to make it so the riddles could have made the story less linear but we can't take away the merit of the excellent narrative in ANMC's debut title. Overall, this is a visual novel where the biggest appeal is its audiovisual, especially the ambiance and the immersion the excellent soundtrack offers. The only thing left is to know if Yomichi's trips to different worlds will have the same impact for you than it did for me

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