Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku

Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku Media
Fitness Boxing feat. HATSUNE MIKU | DLC Trailer | NSW
Fitness Boxing feat. HATSUNE MIKU | Teaser Trailer | NSW
Critic Reviews for Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku
Having not played the previous two Fitness Boxing games, and buying this one more because it was a Hatsune Miku game, I am very impressed. Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku works as a light fitness tool, while providing workouts that get a good sweat going in just a short period of time. Put aside 15-30 minutes each day to run through some of the workouts and play the game in the spirit that it’s intended and you’ll find that it actually works.
Does a blend of boxing workouts and Hatsune Miku work well? Oddly, it does. There's a joyful, energetic tracklist to prop up the workouts and a sweet medley of routines to try. Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku can certainly make players sweat. There is a good variation of songs to choose from, though the game could have benefited from a larger selection in line with the Project Diva series. If you're into the Vocaloid pop and crave an intense workout, this take on Fitness Boxing may well be worth a go!
Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku is an excellent rhythm and exercise game that keeps players coming back for more. Despite a lack of variety in its modes, the game still offers compelling content and rewards that will motivate you to keep moving every day. It's a very polished title on Nintendo Switch with very responsive Joy-Con controls and vivid visuals as well.
Fitness Boxing feat. HATSUNE MIKU doesn't substitute a real training routine, especially not boxing, but trying to follow the moves and rhythm precisely helps us work up a sweat no doubt. There are some issues that can't be ignored for sure, and maybe the main games in the Fitness Boxing series (especially the second) are more complete than this Vocaloid crossover when it comes to exercising sessions and instructor customization. However, for those who prefer [to work out in] the comfort of their home and having virtual avatars during exercises, for whatever reason, this is a good pick to keep the body moving even if your routine doesn't allow for frequent gym visits.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
In the words of my 11-year-old, “Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku was a game that I enjoyed, although it was hard trying to time my actions right. I think that is something I just need to practice. I wish there were more male characters, but I did enjoy the game.” I’m incredibly sad that I didn’t get to try the game for myself due to my slipped discs, but I’m looking forward to giving it a whirl when I’m better. Hopefully, I’ll update this review with my own thoughts when I’m able to, but for now, I hope that my 11-year-old’s thoughts are enough. Thanks to my 11-year-old “Dex” for being a good sport.