Picdun 2: Witch's Curse
Critic Reviews for Picdun 2: Witch's Curse
A lighthearted dungeon crawler with an original hook, Picdun 2: Witch's Curse is as intuitive an introduction as you could hope for to the genre. Engaging real-time combat and a smooth difficulty curve make it easy to jump into, and its pixel art trappings give it a cheery personality. Hardcore dungeon devotees looking for character customization and deep mechanics won't find much here, but anyone after some light puzzling and a fresh, simplified take on the classic crawling formula would do well to pick up Picdun 2.
Although the game starts out slow, the reward is in making it to the higher levels. Once all the tricks and gimmicks are explained, the floors can expand and play with the format's limitations. The pros really outweigh the cons here, and anyone looking for puzzles with a fun twist would have fun with this game.
It’s perhaps not a game you’d take on as your “main gaming project” at any given time, but that’s why it’s a cheap, downloadable title for a handheld system. It’s wonderful gaming comfort food, great for playing on the toilet or in bed, and if it sounds like something which appeals you should make a point of checking it out sooner rather than later — because remember, after March 27, 2023, there will be no means of acquiring this game officially any more, and since it’s a game specifically designed for the 3DS, I suspect we won’t see any kind of port, reissue or physical preservation of this game. Once it’s gone it’s gone, as the saying goes.