Tennis in the Face Reviews

Tennis in the Face is ranked in the 23rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Kurt Perry
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2018

Tennis in the Face feels like a lazy port that was thrown on the Switch as a cash grab to take advantage of the platform's early success. Whilst the game itself runs fine, the lack of innovation or attempt to improve over other earlier mediocre ports is aggravating. It's a hollow experience that offers very little beyond the surface and other than a bit of mental stimulation from later, more challenging levels I can't honestly say I ever enjoyed myself playing this. I will reiterate that at just £4.49 it is fairly cheap but somehow still feels a little pricey. After all, it's £2.99 on iOS which is where it belongs in the first place. Is there any reason at all to spend the extra money to get this on a port that adds nothing of note to the original? No, not at all. Sadly, even its value on mobile is diminished as, whilst it works fine as a mobile title, its just such a saturated market filled with dozens of similar titles. At least with the Xbox One and PS4 versions I suppose you could get easy achievements and trophies which I'm sure some people valued but here, on Switch, such arbitrary accomplishments don't exist. With all of that considered, I can say without doubt that buying the Nintendo Switch port of Tennis in the Face would be a complete waste of both your time and money. I'll take back those words if we see effort to actually make this the definitive edition but I heavily doubt such improvements will ever come. For now this will remain as just another mediocre mobile port on a system that didn't need it.

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2 / 5.0
Dec 2, 2015

Quote not yet available

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Digitally Downloaded
Andrew M.
Top Critic
Dec 10, 2014

Ultimately, it's fun but probably more of a tablet experience. The issue comes from the fear that there is a lack of imagination in some segments of the developer community. Some developers inspire wonder and imagination on a daily basis, even in the casual gaming arena.

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Dec 8, 2017

Tennis in the Face is a good game heavily stifled by borrowed ideas and an insultingly short length. Its cheap price may entice you to pick it up in between bigger releases, but at the rate the Switch's eShop is expanding, you're best off saving your pennies for something more worthwhile.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Feb 26, 2017

It's cartoony graphics and jaunty soundtrack help sell the tale, and as unlikely as it is, it can draw you in. The developers 10 Tons seem able to come up with whacky ideas and to some extent make them work well indeed. Like King Oddball this started life as a 'finger flicker' game on mobile devices, and as a port to consoles works OK enough. I would guess though that on mobile devices there is a way to adjust not only attack angles but the power put behind each shot. If there is a way to adjust shot power I could not find it.

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