Guns N' Runs

Guns N' Runs Trailers
Critic Reviews for Guns N' Runs
Guns N' Runs reminded me why I love challenging old-school action games as much as I do so if you enjoy the genre then I recommend that you play this sucker. Its performance issues are kind of a bummer, though, so be wary about that before diving in.
Delivers some classic and challenging platform shooter action with bits of modern flair and variety
In games of Guns N’ Runs’ ilk, it’s ok to fight against the odds. But the major difference that separates this game from similar titles is that time and time again, Guns N’ Runs proves itself able to entertain for a few minutes, before devolving into a gnawingly rote annoyance that constantly battles against players with its terrible tutorials, minimal health bar, lack of power-ups, dearth of weaponry, paint-by-numbers design and a chugging framerate. There is clearly a love for the retro classics, which the presentation and soundtrack evoke lovingly, but the frustrations inherent in the gameplay are a bit too much to ignore. Give Guns N’ Runs a try and you may like it for a spell; just be warned that you will likely grow bored of it sooner rather than later.