Another Crab's Treasure Reviews
Another Crab’s Treasure is a Soulslike but for fans and newcomers to the series alike, creating a hilarious, exciting nautical knightly adventure for audiences of all ages.
Another Crab's Treasure is a delightful mixture of all the right things; the precise tug-of-war combat you'd find in a game like Sekiro, the verticality and exploration of old-school 3D platformers, and the light-hearted goofiness of classics like Banjo-Kazooie.
Another Crab’s Treasure is a fantastic soulslike for those looking for an entry into soulslikes.
Another Crab’s Treasure is a balls-hard Soulslike that was one of the most frustrating experiences of my reviewing career until I gave in and used its game-saving accessibility options. Once the difficulty was better balanced the game’s humor and heart were able to shine through.
Another Crab’s Treasure might be one of the most delightful games you’ll play this year, and is great fun for veterans or newcomers to the genre.