Library of Ruina

Library of Ruina Trailers
Critic Reviews for Library of Ruina
We wish we liked Library of Ruina more than we do; its world and characters touch on clever themes and storytelling devices, but never fully lean into its potential. Slapdash pacing coupled with sluggish, nerve-wracking menus makes playing Library of Ruina an exercise in courting digital whiplash as you cycle between rushed, truncated story beats and glacially-paced menus. If it had more engaging combat and a more efficient narrative setup, Library of Ruina would have really impressed us. Sadly, we don't feel very compelled to see it through to completion.
Library of Ruina is both a fantastic and frustrating experience. A twisted narrative and complex mechanics make for what could be a cult classic. Unfortunately, the lack of a natural difficulty curve as well as some awkward UI issues will make this game significantly less appealing to some. Overall, it is worthwhile, provided you have the time to fit it into your schedule.