Great fun, but PC performance is the only thing holding it back
At the time of this review, I played about 25 hours. As a new MH player, the interface is very cluttered and many parts of the game is unexplained. However, even a novice like me can see that there is a lot of depth to the combat.
As a base for more challenging monsters to come and more updates, this is an amazing iteration of one my favorite game loops in gaming.
couldn´t get into it and don´t understand the´s okay...even perhaps good but great...don´t think so
Monster hunter wilds is the most streamlined experience in the franchise yet. In an attempt to reach a broad audience, capcom has reduced any and all friction. Gone are the days of simple gathering quests or small monster slaying. The main story is a high octane boss rush with the
It has all the elements to be the best Monster hunter experience in this new decade, even with content and performance problems that Capcom has already said they will solve in the future and I hope it will be soon because of the great base that is this game.
Mechanically sound and the smoothest combat iteration of Monster Hunter, but performance issues and rare crashes are frustrating at points.
Recommended only if you have a strong rig
Copy pasted gameplay from World and Iceborne but after all this years it's just too outdated. No variety, no new interesting features and the weapons have been casualized too much.
Game looks beyond awful with some of the worst graphics seen in a long, long time and runs absolutely abysmally on
Most of my negative thoughts are associated with the story being a complete throwaway. The action and set pieces are fun even though the game can feel repetitive for sure, especially with the monsters fleeing in an eventual circle and ending up right where the fight started. I appreciate the
Fun and addicting game
great gameplay as usual both single and multiplayer
NPC AI is so good make game easier
could not play, graphic bad and bad performance with high end PC
I'm relatively new to the Monster Hunter franchise but this game is easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time.
Everything is so streamlined in terms of gameplay. It's super easy to pick up and learn all of the mechanics. There's almost zero downtime. You're always in some
Terrible optimization, textures and blurry. An all around eye sore. Capcom have released yet another technical disaster within a one year span. A 90 metascore is really questionable for such an unpolished game.
The world is beautiful, and the exploration is really great. Everything in the game is amazing, but the problem is that the game is a bit heavy.
Wilds takes the addictive Monster Hunter loop and expands on the immersiveness of its now open world. It takes all the lessons learned in Rise and Sunbreak, and World and Iceborne, the latter already a masterclass of game, which Monster Hunter Wilds betters.
The caveat, of course, it that of