Trolls vs. Vikings: Reborn Reviews
Trolls vs Vikings: Reborn is a quirky lane defence game, but it has many stages that look the same, making it feel repetitive at times.
Trolls vs. Vikings: Reborn isn’t reinventing the tower defense genre, but for those who love the simple yet complex options of similar games like Plants vs. Zombies, this is going to be a welcome treat. With accessible difficulty and intuitive handling, it’s easy to drop a lot of time noodling around with your tactical options, feeling clever until you’re ready to up the heat on yourself. That makes Trolls vs. Vikings a good contender for your first tower defense-style game, too. For those who like tougher challenges, Trolls vs. Vikings has your back, too. The Valhalla difficulty challenges are exactly that: beat them, and you can rest knowing that Odin himself might admire your strategic wits. Me, I’ll be in the back playing Normal with the old dude’s ravens, Hugin and Munin. They cheat, but they’re good listeners.