FIFA 15 Reviews

FIFA 15 is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
6 / 10
Nov 16, 2014

Maybe its complacency in the face of the decline of its rival series, but FIFA 15 took its eyes completely off the ball. As ever, it is a glorious, box office glitz and showbiz affair - all flash and fancy. However, under the bonnet it is a shallow representation of football, a horrendous car crash of a mix of poor design decisions and inherently flawed AI. To say that FIFA 15 is basketball played on a football pitch isn't that far from the truth, and it is something EA might want to, and should consider for its next annual release.

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Oct 6, 2014

Not much has changed off of the pitch, EA Canada still can't seem to work out how to create stable netcode at launch, and goalkeepers still make hideous errors in spite of their obvious upgrades, but ultimately FIFA 15 is a fast-paced, thrilling triumph where it counts. It's frustrating at times, but it's also the most rewarding FIFA in years.

8 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2014

FIFA is a game about making you feel like a superstar. The game excels at creating moments that induce feelings of immense pleasure from periods of extended play. While the game is essentially the same old FIFA you know and love, it's a testament to the formula that it never seems to get old. With every feature you can imagine still here and improved, and more added for this year's iteration, you're left with a solid football game that gives you all the tools to enjoy playing for another year.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 23, 2014

FIFA 15 feels like it introduces less innovative elements than last year's installment, but the development team at EA Sports knows what its audience wants and manages to improve the core gameplay and the presentation in interesting ways.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 7, 2014

FIFA 15 promises "next gen goalkeepers", more than 200 Premier League player likenesses than ever before and includes every Premier League stadium for the 2014/15 season

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Top Critic
Sep 28, 2014

FIFA 15's improvements don't jump out right away, but they rapidly manifest themselves in smarter teammates, livelier stadiums, and more tactical gameplay. Beyond that, FIFA 15 is still a remarkably polished and complete experience, boasting excellent career modes and a variety of touches like Seasons mode and Match Day Live that remain unmatched by other sports sims. NBA 2K may yet challenge it for supremacy, but for now, FIFA remains the best all-around sports sim on the market.