FIM Speedway Grand Prix 15


Top Critic Average

55 / 100
6 / 10
6 / 10
Creators: Techland, SoftPlanet
Release Date: Nov 30, 2015 - PC
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FIM Speedway Grand Prix 15 "We Are Speedway Supporters" Launch Trailer thumbnail

FIM Speedway Grand Prix 15 "We Are Speedway Supporters" Launch Trailer

FIM Speedway Grand Prix 15 Screenshot 1
FIM Speedway Grand Prix 15 Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for FIM Speedway Grand Prix 15

More casual fans will give the demo a try and move on in search of something more fun and less demanding.

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Punishing doesn't even begin to describe FIM Speedway 15

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For some, football is just a silly game where 22 men are chasing a ball, while for others it is the Queen of Sports. The same thing applies to motorcycle speedway, which may not be as popular as motocross, supercross, or superbike racing, but it's the most sensational pastime for its fans - apart from the umbrella girls, of course. In other words, those not really in the sport might find FIM Speedway Grand Prix 15 boring, forgettable, and even irritating due to its high level of challenge and attention to protocol. The real problem, though, is that, while it's a fine piece of software that will surely entertain speedway "connoisseurs" with its adrenaline-pumping heats and capturing of the stadium's mood, it is way too light on content to be considered something more than a great weekend rental.

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