EARTHLOCK is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6.5 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2016

For most gamers, they should simply avoid playing this and instead play other, better games. For those willing to stick it out through the game's flaws, they'll find something to enjoy.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 10, 2018

All in all Earthlock is a solid JRPG experience that should be quite welcome on the platform since it is currently a bit lacking in the genre. While it’s hardly revolutionary it does a fairly good job of delivering on what’s most important in terms of combat mechanics and fun. While it may be priced a bit high for an indie title for the most part it’s a reasonably-good investment.

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7.7 / 10.0
Mar 22, 2018

Now available on Nintendo Switch, Earthlock: Festival of Magic is neither a good nor a bad game, but still a rather solid effort from Snowcastle Games to create a unique JRPG influenced by the 1990s titles in the genre.

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8 / 10
Mar 8, 2018

Earthlock is a true indie gem that has come a long way in such short time.

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3.5 / 5.0
Oct 12, 2016

Storytelling and character development aren’t Earthlock’s strongest points, but it has some interesting twists on classic JRPG gameplay. If you miss those classic games, Earthlock: Festival of Magic is worth a look—just don’t expect anything earthshaking.

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Feb 2, 2017

Gameplay: This is where the game shines for me, it harkens back to the old turn based combat I used to love so much, while it doesn't always work in modern day gaming, I enjoyed Earthlock. Instead of having meters fill up to let you know when your character was getting ready to make their move there is a string of icons to the right of the screen showing who is coming up next whether it's you or the enemy which allows the players to strategize as to what needs to be done next. (should I heal now or can I make it until the next round, etc) The leveling up system allows players to customize the characters to how they want to play, focus on close or long range combat, is defense more important than attack, etc. The game does require some old-school grinding at points though in order to be a high enough level to tackle some of the bosses otherwise you will die, a lot. The only thing i didn't care for in the gameplay was the ability to help your enemies, for instance there was a few times while using my healer when trying to select the right person to heal I would accidentally heal my enemy, I know it's dumb it's my fault but just something that annoyed me. However if you heal a ghost enemy it does a large amount of damage, and if you hit a stunned ally it'll snap them out of it so it is utilized as part of the gameplay.

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