Dragon Bros

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7.7 / 10
7.7 / 10
3 / 5
Creators: Space Lizard Studio
Release Date: May 30, 2017 - Xbox One, PC, Xbox Series X/S
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Dragon Bros Xbox One Pre-Order Release 31-May-17 thumbnail

Dragon Bros Xbox One Pre-Order Release 31-May-17

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Critic Reviews for Dragon Bros

Dragon Bros is one of the most enjoyable cooperative run and gun games that you'll ever play.

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Dragon Bros inherits only style from games of the past age. The mechanics and special effect are brought in from the games of its times. It's fast and it's fun. It offers speed run and it provides planty of distractions like its own version of Space Invaders. What else should we wish for?

Review in Polish | Read full review

Dragon Bros takes very few hours to beat, and it doesn’t really have lengthy enough levels to constitute having only 20 or so of them. Maybe more of it will come down the chute post game release, but at the moment, it feels more like a start-up rather than a fully developed title.

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