Paperbound Reviews

Paperbound is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Mar 30, 2015

With its four-player arena-based combat, 'Paperbound' returns to the glory days of local multiplayer, offering fast and frenetic gameplay that's best enjoyed with a group of friends.

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Mar 30, 2015

Built for local couch multiplayer matchups with friends, Paperbound is definitely a quality option for parties, but otherwise will likely be collecting dust on your hard drive in the mean time.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2015

Paperbound is a riot, and a ton of fun to play with a group of people. As easy as it is to quickly hop in and set up matches, and the fairly simple control scheme overall, it's a great party game. Sadly, Paperbound may not reach its full potential for you if you don't have three other people to play with locally. That doesn't mean it's a bad game, it just means that it is meant for four local human players by design. If you are looking for an excellent party game and a way to relive that classic, long-lost experience of simple, crazy gaming with other people in the same room, Paperbound is a chaotic festival of unpredictable madness that really deserves a home on your PS4. 

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