Paperbound Reviews

Paperbound is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Mar 31, 2015

'Paperbound' feels like a game on the wrong platform. As a Vita game, or a mobile title, something to play on the go when you have a half hour to kill waiting for something bigger to download, 'Paperbound's simplicity would be a boon, a perfect slice of hectic mayhem to pull out of your pocket on a whim. As a PS4 game, though, it just feels thin, a delicious bite that makes one pine for the satisfying main course that doesn't come. Still, it's hard to be immune to its charms in the moment. There's nothing to dislike about 'Paperbound' aside from the fact that there's not more of it. That's the best kind of problem to have.

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6.5 / 10.0
Apr 16, 2015

When first playing Paperbound you would be forgiven for thinking that the game is a simplistic take on the arena battle genre. Dig a little deeper though and you find a game with solid gameplay mechanics, that delivers rounds of fast paced fun whilst playing solo, or with friends. The quick, frenzied matches of Paperbound can offer hours of fun if the core gameplay appeals to you. It's undoubtedly a mix of solid mechanics that appear simple, but are fiendishly fun to play and can be deviously complex, it's just a shame that Paperbound ends up being paper thin.

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7.6 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2015

Simply put, if you're in the market for a local multiplayer brawler then you can't do much better than Paperbound with its insanely chaotic matches, ridiculously fun gameplay mechanics, and more variety than you can shake a pencil at.

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