Call of Cthulhu Reviews

Call of Cthulhu is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.7 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2018

This game has its strengths and weaknesses; unfortunately the latter outnumber the former – Call of Cthulhu is therefore just an average title with ideas that haven´t fully panned out, but if one can overlook the outdated graphics and the cheap puzzles, he will get rewarded with an atmospheric, uncanny story.

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55 / 100
Oct 28, 2018

Clumsily put together and lacking coherence, Call of Cthulhu’s occasional redeeming story moments struggle to save it but never quite manage.

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8 / 10
Oct 29, 2018

If you want something with a fresh take on the Alien Isolation/Condemned/Outlast style of first person experience, this will suit you. It’s got some hammy dialogue, graphics aren’t going to be on par with some upcoming cowboy game you might have heard about, but it’s a rich story driven game that will keep your noodle thoroughly scratched.

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Oct 29, 2018

It feels like there is an excellent five to six hour experience buried within Call of Cthulhu, but poorly executed genre obligations are piled on top. Cyanide clearly understands and has a love for the mythos of Lovecraft, but that can’t save Call of Cthulhu from weak gameplay, genre tropes, and hamfisted story dumps

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6 / 10.0
Oct 31, 2018

Call of Cthulhu suffers from the second half of the accelerated and weak implementation of the mechanisms in them, which could have been a wonderful and captivating horror story otherwise.

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