GRIS Reviews
GRIS is a magnificent game which highlights the positive and negative sides of the human thinking process. It deals with depressive thoughts and miseries which shackle people and refrain them from carrying on with life.
GRIS is a moving work of art. If the stunning visuals don't entice you to play, then the messages from the story will. If you haven't played GRIS yet, then do so immediately.
GRIS has to be one of my favorite games in the last few years and I honestly can’t find any flaws in this perfectly-made game. I look forward to Nomada Studio's next release, whenever that may be.
A week or so removed from playing Gris, I don't know what I'll remember it for, if at all. Gris feels like it almost belongs in a museum, with crowds marvelling at its art and sound for a few minutes, before moving on to something else. There's moments of beautiful brilliance in Gris, all of which is dragged down by a decidedly average platforming game.