F1 2019 Reviews
I love F1. It’s been a passion of mine since the, and the same can be said for the games that release. From Bizzare Creations to EA and then to Codemasters the games have been a mixed bag but over the last few years, the career mode, gameplay and presentation have been second to none. Can F1® 2019 improve yet again? The answer is yes, without a doubt.
F1 2019 is without a doubt the definitive Formula 1 gaming experience. With upgrades and improvements made to practically every aspect of the game, F1 2019 looks stunning, and gives driving enthusiasts plenty to get to grips with.
F1 2019 has so many improvements, changes, and a overall fantastic feel. It doesn’t make you feel like anything was left out, and the extra DLC is just that – this is value-packed offering. Codemasters have blurred the lines between broadcast and gameplay, and it offers immersion on a whole new level. The interspersed drama heightens the stakes in all the right ways. F1 2019 is the spectacle it should be, just like its real-life counterpart. This is the best it’s ever been.
F1 2019 brought enough upgrades to make this sufficient enough for the annual update. Leagues, the F2 series, the ability to finally save replay highlights and tweaking the racing to perfection makes this another must-own for fans.
F1 2019 is a must have for fans of racing and sports games alike. Easily the most complete package in the F1 catalogue to date, you’ll be uncovering new things to do all the time. This is the kind of game that you can get lost in and forget about all the other great games being released.
If I was to summarise F1 2019, it’s basically F1 2018 with a little more fan service thrown in for good measure. For some, that’s all they’ll have wanted and expected. For me, this year’s minor additions just weren’t enough.
So, should you consider upgrading from F1 2018 to 2019 or making your first purchase of an F1 game this year?