Traffix Reviews

Traffix is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
God is a Geek
Lyle Carr
8 / 10.0
Dec 24, 2020

A unique minimalist puzzler, Traffix is a relaxing experience if you can get to grips with the hit and miss Switch control options.

9 / 10.0
Jan 3, 2021

What really impressed me about Traffix is that all of this madness is wrapped up in a super clean, minimalist aesthetic that has sharp lines, bright colors, and funky "elevator" music. This overall calming theme contrasts with the infuriating gameplay, but it works so well. Failing a level for the 40th time isn't exactly fun, but it was hard for me not to keep restarting and trying again. This is a pleasant little strategy game that's bound to keep you hooked for a good while. Perhaps if you find yourself stuck in traffic again (as a passenger), you can whip this out and take control of the situation.

78 / 100
Jul 13, 2019

Traffix is nice little game that takes a seemingly straightforward puzzle concept and makes a fun experience out of it.

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Dec 27, 2020

It may seem like a laidback game but Traffix will have you intensely focus as you carefully guide traffic within its many tricky stages.

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Dec 17, 2020

Traffix is a puzzle game built on a simple premise of turning traffic lights of and on. It works very well and gives an enjoyable and experience for the player. Having to avoid accidents and preventing drivers from getting road rage keeps you engaged, and the levels offer great variety and a clever design. The clean presentation is appreciated, but it could have used a little bit more music. For the price of a few pounds or dollars in the eShop you can have a very entertaining and fun couple of hours of an evening!

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