Battlefield Hardline Reviews

Battlefield Hardline is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
80 / 100
Apr 3, 2015

With two great new multiplayer modes, solid maps and interesting gadgets, Battlefield Hardline carefully folds a police theme into the franchise. The result is a chaotic and rewarding experience.

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USgamer Team
Top Critic
Mar 16, 2015

The single-player mode starts out promisingly, but bogs down into a rather weak stealth game whose action feels hit-and-miss. Multiplayer is where the game works best, especially on its smaller maps, which can deliver truly thrilling and intense action.

7.5 / 10.0
Mar 24, 2015

While Battlefield Hardline is fun and has some cool set pieces, it's not really an improvement over Battlefield 4. Weak story, poorly written characters, and scaled down multiplayer make Hardline feel generic and rushed.

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