Street Outlaws: The List Reviews

Street Outlaws: The List is ranked in the 1st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 10.0
May 6, 2020

The most difficult thing about Street Outlaws: The List is trying to find a reason to play it. Depending on the event, the controls range from serviceable to terrible, with a physics system that doesn't make sense. The lack of real challenge is offset by the overall length of the game, which seems far too long for what's being offered. Between the underwhelming presentation, a clunky but bare-bones menu, and lack of gameplay variety, even superfans of the show will find it tough to stick with this game for a significant amount of time.

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3 / 10
Feb 10, 2020

Street Outlaws: The List brings to the Nintendo Switch a gaming experience based on the Discovery Channel programme of the same name and for that very limited purpose of illustrating the show on a gaming format, it has a certain appeal. Unfortunately it has very little use outside that segment of the audience and with its bland and dull experience and very dated visual environment, Street Outlaws: The List adds nothing relevant to the driving games available on the Nintendo Switch.

Review in Portuguese |

3 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2019

Street Outlaws: The List might not be the worst racing game currently available, but it comes pretty close.

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