Far Cry 6 Reviews

Far Cry 6 is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 is an explosive action-fest which represents a welcome return to form for the series, and despite a few mis-steps still manages to be one of the year’s standout releases.

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Oct 6, 2021

At first glance, Far Cry 6 appears to provide the quintessential triple-A open-world experience. However, upon closer inspection and by allowing the game to truly showcase its strengths, it quickly becomes apparent how much love and attention has been put into it. From an excellent cast spearheaded by one of the most captivating villains to appear in video games, through to an enthralling world designed around its sounds and culture; everything about the game is of a very high polish and calibre. Further cementing this notion is how the title is not filled by random missions and events; rather the missions are cleverly placed to accommodate the amigos and the plethora of gear players come across. Thus providing a wonderful sense of immersion in a world feeling alive with possibility. Although the narrative may seem plain and cliche at first; the plot soon hooks and flourishes into a veritable masterpiece of storytelling. In a sense, Far Cry 6 is a game that loves to reward scrutiny. In this way, it consistently amazes with new and exciting events while a constant dramatic narrative rumbles along in the background. It truly is exceptional and easily serves as the new bar for what this franchise can be, and ultimately is.

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7.8 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 is no doubt the craziest far cry so far with weird and hot arsenal and wild amigos on the run and one of the most beautiful looking Ubisoft games to date, however, it seems this time the focus is more on face to face battle as stealth combat were to be sacrifice gradually in this approach, and sadly even though the acting is superb it was very disappointing to see Antón only for a couple of mins throughout the whole story of the game

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