Overwatch 2 Perk Makes Junker Queen Virtually Invincible

Overwatch 2 Perk Makes Junker Queen Virtually Invincible

From Game Rant (Written by Eric Law) on | OpenCritic

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Junker Queen in Overwatch 2 currently has an apparent bug with her Savage Satiation Perk that makes Carnage’s lifesteal work on shields and objects, such as Reinhardt's shield or Mei’s Ice Wall. While this interaction is likely not intentional, it currently allows the aggressive tank hero to have some serious self-sustain against certain Overwatch 2 heroes.

Perks are a game-changing feature Overwatch 2 introduced in Season 15. The system allows players to level up during a match to unlock a Minor and Major Perk, each of which adds powerful passive effects or new abilities to a hero’s kit that can completely change how they are played.

Overwatch 2 reveals some big plans for the Perks system introduced in Season 15, both in the immediate future and for many months in advance.

However, one of Junker Queen’s Major Perks seems to have an extremely strong – and likely accidental – effect. While experimenting with her Savage Satiation Perk, which heals Junker Queen for 100% of the impact damage from her Carnage ability, some fans noticed damage dealt to turrets, barriers, and other destructible objects created by enemy heroes also restored her health. Overwatch 2 content creator Romani even found...

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