Someone Has Spammed The Sims 4 Gallery With Over 400 Shreks

Someone Has Spammed The Sims 4 Gallery With Over 400 Shreks

From TheGamer (Written by James Troughton) on | OpenCritic

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In just four days, one Sims 4 player alone has uploaded over 400 Shreks to the gallery.

They all look the exact same, but some are paired with Darth Vader, others make up an enormous family of eight cloned ogres, and some have had "glow ups", being put into extravagant purple dresses with luscious blonde wigs. For the most part, though, it's nothing but a solitary, lonely Shrek, standing in the void waiting to be freed alongside his other captive green friends.

If you're not a big Sims player but love Shrek and love Resident Evil , there's always the Shrek mod for Resi4 .

I sat there scrolling through them for a good five minutes and saw no end to the ocean of green swamp-loving onion boys. It's impressive, if a little scary.

In The Sims 4, you can add custom characters from the gallery to your household, so if you really want, you can bring Shrek into your world and let him run free.

The best part is that the new Lovestruck expansion lets NPCs ask you out, so if you stick Shrek somewhere in your city, he might eventually come knocking at your door with a bunch...

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