After being involved in a fight, Malik Ambersley, known as TikTok's Miles Morales NPC, has been arrested. TikTok steaming has blown up in popularity over the past couple of years, and one of the biggest subgenres of streamers is the NPC, or non-playable character. Steamers will commit to performing as a certain character and then perform repeated actions in the role. In the same way that continuous interaction with an NPC in a game nets a player results they can expect, providing the steamer with specific gifts will often lead to related responses: if a user buys a TikTok rose item for NPC Miles Morales, he will consistently comment on how they smell.
NPC Miles Morales has gathered attention in the past for being found in precarious situations. Recently, TikTok's NPC Miles Morales was robbed during a livestream, which allowed some to take a closer look at the potential difficulties that arise from putting on these types of performances. Especially in crowded places like New York City, there's a risk that TikTok NPC steamers will run into various complications while filming.
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