The PlayStation 5 Pro is almost here, and its box suggests that the console's notable lack of a disc drive is a selling point. While the original PS5 came in two editions, one with a disc drive and one without, its newest iteration is purely digital. Players have known this since Sony announced the release, but the official packaging of the PlayStation Pro 5 has caught the ire of some gamers by listing its disc-free nature as a feature.
Some have already speculated that the PS5 Pro could mark the end of physical games, as it's the first flagship console from Sony or Microsoft not to have a disc-supporting version. That speculation sparked a good deal of controversy among fans. Now that the PS5's official box art is out in the open, its proud proclamation of being disc-less may feel like rubbing salt in the wound.
By participating in Game Rant's Threads, you can be in the draw to win a PS5 Pro. Here's everything you need to know
Even though the PS5 Pro won't be released until November 7, some reviewers and retailers have already gotten their hands on the console....