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God is a Geek

3696 games reviewed
76.6 average score
80 median score
56.5% of games recommended

God is a Geek's Reviews

Jun 8, 2014

Vertical Drop Heroes is a cheap and certainly cheerful 2D platformer, and pretty enjoyable, although it's unlikely to hold your attention for too long. It's a game that's as much about luck and perseverance than actual skill, but Roguelike fans who want something a little lighter might well enjoy this.

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8 / 10.0 - Tomodachi Life
Jun 5, 2014

Ridiculous, hilarious and full of the unique surrealism that Nintendo does so damn well, it's hard not to fall in love with Tomodachi Life and the characters you create. The sedate pace and minimal interaction might not be everyone's cup of tea, but this is guaranteed to be a cult hit. Worth experiencing at least once to see something genuinely funny and unusual, this is the kind of game that reminds you how imaginative Nintendo can be.

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Jun 4, 2014

For all its shortcomings, Murdered remains an enjoyable romp. The lack of direct combat never becomes an issue, and the pacing of the main plot is just right. What immersion is lost through lazy NPC behaviour and limited interaction with the world is gained back by dint of the wonderfully sinister atmosphere and the likable leads. Not an instant classic but likely to do well in cult circles, Murdered: Soul Suspect is a new approach to an old genre. On the whole, there's not enough substance to make a second playthrough viable, so the value for money is questionable, yet the mystery as it stands is well worth investigating.

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3 / 10.0 - Gravity Badgers
May 29, 2014

Lifeless, unpolished and uninspired. These are all words used to describe such a dull ripoff. This game gives badgers a bad name and, quite frankly, unlike the real creature, these badgers should be culled.

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May 28, 2014

The Last Tinker: City of Colors blends the aesthetic stylings of platformers past with design concepts taken from modern classics. While this meeting of the times may not be a constant success, there's enough gorgeous art and frequent, snapshot ideas here to satisfy any gamer's dietary requirement of primary colours.

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May 28, 2014

Worms: Battlegrounds is a solid game. I've had great fun playing it with my friends, and it's definitely one I'll return to after reviewing, which doesn't always happen. But it is a Worms game, which means that nothing much is new, and nothing in particular is worth shouting about. If you don't like the series this won't convert you, but if you do, well, you already know what you're getting.

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May 28, 2014

A Story About My Uncle is a captivating and engaging experience. Once you put on that suit and are launched into the sky, you begin a journey that will have you smiling throughout, even during the challenging moments. It's a game of beauty and wit, converging to create a truly wonderful experience full of dazzling artwork and obstacles that demand some thought to overcome. Some may find A Story About My Uncle too easy, some people may find it infuriating; most, however, will be engrossed in its ever-glowing and charismatic fantasy world.

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9 / 10.0 - Watch Dogs
May 27, 2014

After a generation that brought us seven years of countless linear and identikit shooters, Watch Dogs is the open world adrenaline shot that fatigued gamers needed. While the story could have been better and Ubisoft have made a few questionable design choices, it's rare to see a big budget game that offers players freedom in almost every aspect of its design – and, more importantly, one that is this much fun while doing so.

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Questions have been asked and we can now take solace that satisfying solutions are being given. Snow and Bigby's exchanges are very brief as The Sheriff focuses on getting answers that have eluded him since the beginning of The Wolf Among Us. Bigby excels in what is the most action-packed offering yet and will leave you wanting more. In Sheep's Clothing ends on one of the best cliffhangers you could imagine.

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10 / 10.0 - Transistor
May 20, 2014

It may be slightly too complex in parts for the more casual gamers out there, but it's full of clever ideas, and every area has had attention lavished upon it. Transistor is comfortably one of the best games of 2014 so far, and Supergiant deserve the plaudits yet again for a job well done.

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May 20, 2014

Though it falls foul to the old FPS bane of occasionally stupid AI, Wolfenstein delivers a story-driven campaign experience that manages to be less po-faced than Shadow Fall and more consistently enjoyable than either Ghosts or Battlefield 4. Killing Nazis never looked or felt so good and, let's face it, what else really matters?

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9 / 10.0 - Mario Kart 8
May 15, 2014

It may not be revolutionary, but it adds just enough to pique interests while keeping the core experience we've all grown up with, regardless of age. Mario Kart is one of those timeless franchises that every age group can enjoy, and sometimes, that's enough to celebrate.

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May 14, 2014

Kitties have claws, and kitties scratch. Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails certainly does this through its difficulty and unique controls. Yet cats also have a unique trait: for all their peculiar habits, their demanding nature and their tendency to puke in the hallway overnight, they're inescapably lovable because of what they are. Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails, with its strange design and riveting gameplay, echoes this side of the feline personality, too. Captivating stuff.

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The Walking Dead is back on track, after a slightly dull Episode Two, this is exactly what the series needed. It will make you care again, it will make you angry and sad in equal measures, it will remind you that nobody is safe in this universe, but best of all it recaptures The Walking Dead's brilliance. I cannot wait for the next episode.

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5 / 10.0 - Bound by Flame
May 9, 2014

Like Of Orcs and Men before it, Bound by Flame is an uneven mishmash of decent new ideas and painfully generic genre tropes that struggle to gel, yet somehow it blunders through to deliver a mostly enjoyable adventure. Bound by Flame had a great deal of potential but it feels half-realised, and this is simply not the epic adventure we were promised.

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7 / 10.0 - Titan Attacks!
May 9, 2014

Almost as simple as a shooter can get, Puppygames' space blaster owes its success to our inability to be satisfied by a personal best. The premise and genre make more sense on the Vita than the PS4 (though options are always nice to have), but Titan Attacks is charmingly simple and hugely playable on any format.

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May 8, 2014

Let me put it to you this way. I actually stopped playing The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to do some other work. I'd play a mission, decide I couldn't take any more and go do something else instead, just to get away from it. Quite frankly, that's the opposite of what a game should be.

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Apr 30, 2014

Despite offering very little in new ideas or revolutionary gameplay, Warlock II is a decent game. There are only a few things that drag it down such as the minor technical hiccups and the confusing story, but the solid gameplay and decent visuals just about salvage the experience. If you liked the first game or need something to scratch that Civilisation itch then this will make you very happy indeed – just don't say I didn't warn you about the giant turtles.

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8 / 10.0 - Daylight
Apr 29, 2014

Everything about Daylight converges to create a shining beacon in the survival horror genre and shows a glimmer of hope for its future. If nothing else, one thing is for sure: it reassures you that your heart is working.

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Square Enix's Final Fantasy-themed MMO doesn't get everything right, even on PS4, but the things it does well outweigh those it doesn't, and the end result is a fun and engaging open world RPG with some great multiplayer options that don't really come into their own until end-game.

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